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介绍了咔唑紫商品化处理的一种方法。A treatment method for carbazole violet commercialization is presented.

用不同的方法合成了八种N-取代咔唑。Eight N-substituted carbazole compounds had been synthesized by different methods.

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详细介绍了咔唑紫的合成路线及实验过程。The route and experiments for synthesis of carbazole violet are described in detail.

目的设计合成新型甲氧基咔唑类抗肿瘤化合物。Aim To design and synthesize new methoxyl carbazole analogues as antitumor compounds.

本发明涉及新颖的吲哚咔唑类生物碱及其制备方法和用途。The present invention relates to indole carbazole alkaloid and its preparation process and use.

咔唑生物碱的研究进展,生物活性,有机金属合成汇集。Occurrence, Biological Activity, and Convergent Organometallic Synthesis of Carbazole Alkaloids.

咔唑反应和纸层析证明该多糖为酸性多糖。Carbazole reaction and paper chromatography revealed that DP was a kind of acidic polysaccharide.

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据此,对测定反应生成物果糖的半胱氨酸一咔唑反应作了修改和补充。The cysteine carbazole reaction to determine the reaction product has been modified and supplemented.

环合反应的条件缓和,产品收率和纯度高,在四氢咔唑类化合物的化学制备中具有重要参考价值。The conditions of reaction of cyclization were moderate, the purity and yield of the product was higher.

咔唑类化合物是原油中极性较大的化合物,是研究油气运移的有效指标。Carbazoles are polar compounds in oils, and they are useful indicators for study of hydrocarbon migration.

沿油气运移方面,咔唑类化合物具有明显的分馏效应。Changes in contents of carbazoles and its isomers indicate that there exists an obvious migration fractionation.

在各种有机电致发光材料中,咔唑独特的化学及物理性质一直受到广泛的关注和深入的研究。Special chemical and physical properties of carbazole in a variety of electroluminescent materials have been concerned.

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实验发现DMF对粗蒽制取精蒽效果较好,四氯乙烯对粗咔唑的精制效果明显优于传统工艺。It was found that it was more efficient for refining crude anthracene with DMF and for refining crude carbazole with TCE.

柴油色度安定性主要与其中的不饱和烃、烷基吲哚、甲基咔唑、苯胺、苯酚等有关。And color stability of diesel fuel were affected by unsaturated hydrocarbon, alkyl indole, methyl- carbazole, aniline and phenol.

利用咔唑类化合物作为油气运移示踪剂,探讨柴达木盆地狮子沟油田的油气运移与运聚特征。Carbazole and alkylcarbazoles were used as "tracers" to investigate the migration of oil in the Shizigou Oilfield of Qaidam Basin.

利用咔唑类非烃化合物作为油气运移示踪剂,探讨了松辽盆地新站油田油藏可能的油源和成藏模式。Pyrrolic nitrogen compounds are used as "tracers" for investigating oil migration and accumulation of Xinzhan oilfield in Songliao basin.

通过高压微反对催化剂的二苯并噻吩加氢脱硫和咔唑加氢脱氮活性进行了评价。The dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization and carbazole hydrodenitrogenation activities of catalysts were tested on a high pressure micro-reactor.

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结果表明两枝的咔唑衍生物和三枝状的三苯胺衍生物具有良好的单光子和双光子荧光性质。Form the experiment results, it can be drawn that dibranched or tribranched compounds above hold good single- and two-photon fluorescence properties.

目前,对PVK的改性引起了人们的广泛关注,也是聚乙烯咔唑类光电导材料研究的方向之一。The modification of PVK has attracted considerable attention at present and become one of the directions in the research of PVK photoconductive material.

本文结合本课题组的研究,综述了近年来咔唑类化合物的抗微生物活性及其构效关系的研究进展。This paper reviews recent research advances in carbazole compounds and their antimicrobial activities. The structure-activity relationship is also discussed.