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没有捷径。No shortcuts.

没有其他的捷径了吗?Isn't there any shortcut?

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那样,我就可直取捷径!That I may straight begin!

两极化是条捷径。Polarization is a shortcut.

我们从捷径开始。We begin with the shortcut.

在什么地方是有捷径的。There is a cutoff somewhere.

每一条道路都象是一条捷径。Every road felt like a shortcut.

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"你没有捷径,"鲍姆说。""You can't shortcut," Baum says.

我想知道有什么捷径吗?Is there any short-cut, I wonder?

这里我走个捷径。And here I am now cutting corners.

好习惯是成功的捷径。Good habits are the crosscut to success.

失败是通向成功的唯一捷径。Failure is the only high-road to success.

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捷径常是泥泞的。The shortest way is commonly the foulest.

要明白这是没有任何捷径的。Give up the notion that there is a shortcut.

成为赢家的捷径是与赢家共进退。It's simple to be winner, work with winners.

途中有良伴是最短的捷径。Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

行路有良伴就是捷径。Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

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随着时间过去,他们学会了捷径和改进。Over time they learn short-cuts and improvements.

另一种捷径是美联储再度出山.Another quick fix would see the Fed step in -- again.

同时,这也是明星自我炒作的一条捷径。It's also a handy way to get a bit of self-promotion.