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这是个漆黑闷热的夜晚。It was a dark,hot night.

漆黑很快惠临。Darkness was falling fast.

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今天天空变得一片漆黑。The sky blacked over today.

汝虽漆黑如夜。Though thou be black as night.

并感受其一片漆黑的庄严And feel its total dark sublime

大厅里几乎漆黑一片。In the hall it was almost dark.

那是一个风雨交加、漆黑的夜晚。It was a windy, rainy, dark night.

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他在黑漆黑搜求寻找开关。北京市。He felt in the dark for the switch.

这家教堂的内部漆黑一片。The interior of the church was dark.

暮色四合,渐而一片漆黑。Twilight merged into total darkness.

我踽踽独行,前路一片漆黑。I am alone and the road is very dark.

我溜进一个漆黑的房间。I slipped down into a pitch-dark room.

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看着漆黑天幕中的银色的花。Looking at silver bloom against black.

我的世界漆黑一片看不到明天。I do not see the dark world of tomorrow.

正午时刻比午夜更加漆黑。The noon hour was blacker than midnight.

和着硕大的漆黑钢琴的热情满溢。With the great black piano appassionato.

一个强盗在漆黑的街道上袭击了他。A mugger assailed him on the dark street.

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睁着双大眼睛,怔怔的望着漆黑的天花板出神。I looked at the dark ceiling unfeelingly.

漆黑的夜空中的星星从你的杯中掉落That drop from your cup on the night sky’s

他的脸和双手被煤弄得漆黑。His face and hands were smutted by the coal.