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然后,圆滑那些转角。Then round the corners.

在道路转角的那一刹难。A moment when the road bends.

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公共汽车站在那个转角处。The bus stop is on that corner.

倘若爱在转角处出现。If loves in the corner appearance.

就在那儿,转角那里.Right over there,around the corner.

慑人耸立转角处。Strikingly stand around the corner.

街道转角处有一家餐厅。There was a restaurant at the corner.

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人生的下一处风景就在转角处。The next scene in life is on the corner.

爱的转角,我依然痴痴地等你!The corner of love, I still waiting for you!

它就在百老汇街与威尔逊街的转角。It's right on the corner of Broadway and Wilson.

最好在转角处预埋一个穿墙导管。You'd better embed a wall bushing at the corner.

当鱼在转角或者是在码头的角柱旁边时,这种方法也奏效。It also works when the fish are on corner dock posts.

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转角有太多碎石,我就滑倒了。There was too much gravel on that corner. I slid out.

那条路在转角处造成一陡峻的斜坡。The road makes a sharp descent just around the corner.

这就是那些小兔在那个转角处所看到的!This is what those little rabbits saw round that corner!

我们在匆忙跑过转角处时与凯特撞个满怀。We bumped into Kate as we were rushing around the corner.

曾经的商定终极流逝在隔岸的转角。Once the final passage across the banks agreed in the corner.

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大型半挂车和牵引车。可调整挂车转角。Large semitrailer and tractor. Angle of trailer is adjustable.

所以她们总是坐在转角处,等待着爱人的经过。So they always sit in the corner, waiting for the love of the.

是的。它就在仁爱路和敦化南路的转角上。Yes. It's right on the corner of Ren Ai Rd. and Tun Hua S. Rd.