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介绍了从棉籽饼粕中提取天然氨基酸的步骤和方法。A procedure for extracting amino acid from oil residue of cottonseed was introduced.

利用双螺杆食品挤压机对棉籽饼粕进行了挤压脱除棉酚的试验,考察了加工参数对脱毒效果的影响。Effects of processing parameters on cottonseed meal de-gossypol results were studied using a twin-screw extruder.

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本试验对添加棉籽饼脱毒剂前后饲料中营养成分的变化作了测定。Feed nutritional compositions were measured before and after adding cottonseed cake detoxication agent in the experiment.

睾丸生精上皮受损时并无因进食含酚棉籽饼而出现的临床中毒症状。Before appearing the gossypol poisoning symptoms clinically the effect of antispermatog-enesis has been shown histologically.

考察了棉籽饼粕双螺杆挤压脱毒中不同加工参数对脱毒效果的影响。Effects of various operating parameters on cottonseed flour and meal de gossypol results were studied using a twin screw extruder.

含有某些毒素的荞麦、菜籽饼、棉籽饼、鲜木薯等,一般须经粉碎、浸水、发酵或青贮,待毒素去掉后方可生喂。Buckwheat, rapeseed, cottonseed cake and tapioca included some toxins, therefore feed by crush, immersion and silage fermentation without toxins.

本文介绍一种测定棉籽饼中残留游离棉酚的反相高效液相色谱法并和紫外分光光度法相比较。A reversed-phase HPLC method for the determination of residual gossypol in cotton seed cake was developed and compared with the current spectrophotometric method.

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用啤酒糟、棉籽饼与菜籽饼等廉价蛋白源作为草鱼的饲料主要蛋白源,与用鱼粉和豆饼作为饲料主要蛋白源进行对比研究。The cheapness proteins, brewers dried grains and cotton seed cake as well as rapeseed cake, were used as foodstuff for Ctenopharyngodon idellus. It was compared with fish meal and bean cake.

本文报导了棉籽仁、棉籽油中脂肪酸含量分析的实验方法,给出了几种棉籽仁中水分、粗脂肪含量和棉籽仁、棉籽饼、棉籽油申脂肪酸含量的分析结果。The methods for determining the fatty acids in cottonseed kernel and oil were introduced, and the contents of moisture, crude fat and some fatty acids in different materials were also given.

本文综述了大豆饼粕、菜籽饼粕、棉籽饼粕的主要抗营养因子及对养殖鱼类的危害和今后的研究方向。The effects of main antinutrients in soybean meal, rape seed meal and cotton seed meal on cultured fish, and some researching fields about antinutrients in fish nutrition in the future were reviewed.