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在演奏者和乐曲之间没有分野。There's no boundary between player and song.

基督徒教会是真正没有阶级分野的社会。The Christian Church is a truly classless society.

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基督徒教会是真正没有阶级分野的社会。The church should be a community of encouragement.

不能基于题材分野就将之割裂开来甚至厚此薄彼。So we can't separate his creation in terms of the different themes.

达尔文的理性思考促进了科学与社会的分野。Darwin's critical thinking pushed the boundaries of science and society.

是什么导致了巽他云豹进化上的分野还不得而知。It is unclear what caused the Sunda clouded leopard to evolve into two forms.

加格拉分为新旧两区,以Tsiherva河为分野。Gagra is split into two districts, Old and New, which are divided by the river Tsiherva.

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地势东高西低,由六盘山朝南、北、西三向分野。Low-lying east to the west by the Liupanshan south, north, and west to the dividing line.

反垄断法的实施制度有公共实施与私人实施的分野。The enforcement mechanism of anti-monopoly law comprises public enforcement and private enforcement.

美国文学里优雅的欧洲文学和本土文学之间,一直是有分野的。There has been a split in American writing between a cultivated, Europeanized concept of literature.

事件与故事之差异折射出发生认识论与能动反映论两种哲学观的分野。The differences of the event and the story reflect the dissimilarity of the two Schools of Philosophy.

从而最终形成了雅俗分野又各得其所的基本文学格局。Refined ultimately formed the dividing line between the basic literary patterns they get what they want.

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李葆嘉先生率先指出存在逻辑学的元语言和语言学的元语言两大分野。Professor Li Baojia takes the initiative in distinguishing between the logical and the linguistic metalanguages.

如今,在导弹防御问题上新的分歧令东西方产生分野,但不会像上一次那样严重。Today, a fresh divide over missile defense separates East and West. It shouldnot be as momentous as the last one.

第一部分是“从语义与学术意义上的分野看经济调制法”。The first part is "Looking economic regulation law from dividing line between semantic and academic significance".

这样,口语叙事和书面抒情,就成为浅婉和深婉构造语境的分野。So spoken narration and written lyricism are to form the line of demarcation of context of the euphemism structure.

到了今天,设计与艺术的分野当然越益难辨,若要分辨也恐怕是多此一举。Today, the boundary between art and design is increasingly indiscernible and it is also unnecessary to distinguish them.

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比较适应生态区位的突变受到天择青睐,而维持住群丛间的分野。Natural selection keeps their clusters from blurring by favoring new mutants that are even better adapted to their niche.

我们与禽兽之间的主要分野,也许正是在于这样一种行为的准绳。This active principle may perhaps be said to constitute the most essential barrier between, us, and our neighbours brutes.

这次倒闭事件清楚地表明,美国政府划下一条分野线,任何在此之外的银行都不会得到照顾”。With this collapse, it is clear the US Government has drawn a line in the sand and is unlikely to bail out any further banks.