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他们古已有之。They have existed since ancient times.

教育公平是古已有之的美好理想。The education justice is an ancient bright ideal.

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商业秘密,古已有之。Commercial secrets has been existing from ancient.

但是类型的混淆,古已有之。But confusions over the two genres have a long history.

在我国,“文化”一词,古已有之。In China, the "culture" the word existed since ancient times.

在中国诗歌史上,以新词入诗之举,古已有之。It is normal to put new words in old poem in the history of China poetry.

中医是中国固有的医学,古已有之。Chinese medicine is a form. of medicine that has been in China since ancient times.

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“和谐”是一个古已有之,东西横贯的发展理念。"the harmony" is one has existed since ancient times, thing yawing development idea.

这似乎是一条古已有之,而现代社会早就将其抛弃的关于强硬的训诫。It seems like an ancient recipe for harshness that modern society has long ago outgrown.

调判结合在我国是古已有之,有着深厚的文化基础。Combination of transfer negotiations in China is an ancient, profound cultural foundation.

整体论的思想古已有之,在古希腊文明中它以有机整体论的形式出现。Holism idea is of great age, it appeared in the form of organic holism in Old Greece Culture.

她还评论说台湾的捐助开销去向中”其透明度的缺失是古已有之的“。She observed that there is "a traditional lack of transparency" in how Taiwanese donations are spent.

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中国诗歌历来走的是抒情的道路,“诗言志”一说古已有之。Traditionally, Chinese poetry is to express the author's emotion, namely, the theory of "poem expressing ideal".

如果佛教要在现代世界永葆活力,它必须让人将其视为鲜活传统的有机组分,而非古已有之、一成不变的舶来品。For if Buddhism is to live in the modern world, it must be treated as a living tradition, not a preformed import.

仲裁作为解决国际商事纠纷的一项同诉讼并驾齐驱的重要制度,古已有之。Arbitration, as an important system to solve international commercial disputes besides lawsuits, has a long history.

除过传染病致死这一古已有之的负担,新增了非传染性疾病造成甚至更多死亡的负担。The ancient burden of deaths frominfectious diseases has been joined by a newer burden of even more deaths fromNCDs.

但我们也就都像古人一样,永久满足于“古已有之”的时代么?But we also are the same as the ancients, and permanent to satisfy the "existed since ancient times, " the era of Yao?

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在艺术和哲学古已有之的对立中,过分坚持它具有随意性是不可能的。It would be impossible to insist too much on the arbitrary nature of the former opposition between art and philosophy.

礼仪主持人古已有之,在现代社会中又发展成一种新兴的职业门类。Since ancient times, the compere has been a profession and it has been developed into a new industry in modern society.

这里不仅有成千上万的来自天南海北的游客汇聚在灯光迷离的夜市上,更有古已有之的中外文化的交流和碰撞。Thousands of tourists from around the world gather here and experience the coming together of Eastern and Western cultures.