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在公园前站下车。Get off at Gongyuanqian Station.

就在相对论的探索前站不住了。It breaks down in the face of relativistic exploration.

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金在数秒到10前站了起来,但裁判理查德·格林终止了比赛。He beat the count of 10, but referee Richard Green stopped the fight.

他显然非常紧张,局促不安地在麦克风前站了好几分钟。He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.

罗恩、赫敏、弗雷德、乔治和芙蓉在佩妮姨妈那闪闪发亮的洗涤槽前站成一排。Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur lined up in front of Aunt Petunia's gleaming sink.

在大门的公告板前站了一个高个子,他的背影直直地指向他?。At the entrance to the park the notice board stood tall, its shadow pointing straight at him.

在看电影的时候,忘了销前站的想法一直萦绕着妈妈。The notion that she had forgotten to lock the front door obsessed mother all through the movie.

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击倒获胜是指一名拳击手被击倒在地,并在裁判数到十之前站不起来的情况。AKO occurs when a boxer is knocked down to the canvas and cannot get up before the referee counts to ten.

我那位朋友便心生一计,他走到一道空的砖墙前站着,而他的朋友也在他后面排队。He went and stood in front of a blank brick wall, and his friends arranged themselves in a line behind him.

母亲和儿子进到了教堂坟园里,他们在古钟前站定。The mother and son were walking in the churchyard when they discovered the old bell, and they stood still to look at it.

“好吧,我准备好了,”她说,自闷闷不乐的状态中调整出来,从她跌坐下去的梳妆台前站了起来。"Okay, I'm ready. " She said, straightening from her sullen posture and stood up from the dressing table at which she had been slumped.

接着他突然从会议桌前站起身来,从我身边走过,没有做告别的手势,做回到了他的办公桌和电脑前。Then he abruptly gets up from the meeting table, turns away from me without a goodbye handshake, and goes back to his desk and computer.

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有一张照片显示一名士兵在导弹前站岗,还有一张照片显示了导弹前的铁丝网上挂着一块“军事管理区禁止入内”的中英文警告牌。A photograph shows a soldier in missile sentry, a former showed pictures of missile hung on a barbed wire, "the military administrative zones and off-limits " warning card.