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慢词是宋词的主要体式之一。"Manci" is the main form of Songci.

这一理论对宋词的创作和词学思想产生了深远影响。The theory brought a great influence to Song-Ci.

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柳永是宋词发展史上一位关键性的人物。Liu Yong is a critical person in the history of Song Ci.

宋词是我国古典文学中的一朵琦葩。Song Lyrics is a rarity in the classical literature of China.

宋词意象的变化与社会时世的变化有着密切的关系。The sense image change of Song Ci related closely to the change of society.

宋词的表现魅力具有它独特的艺术风格。The expressive charm of the "Song Poetry" lies in its unique artistic style.

雅正之旨是“温柔敦厚”诗教的核心,宋词的崇雅倾向正是孔子诗教理论在后代的回声。The tendency of esteem refined to Song-Ci is an echo of Confucian poetic creed.

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谁说唐诗宋词只能留存于遥远的记忆?Who says word of Tang poetry the Song Dynasty can keep Yu Yao's distant memory?

题壁是宋词传播的重要方式。Ci Poetry written on walls is an important communication mode of Song Ci Poetry.

宋词是词史上的巅峰时期,借建筑意象抒情的词作多如牛毛。Song-Ci is the peak period in the history of Ci, and building lyrical imagescountless.

作为整个宋词词坛的组成部分,宗室词有其自身的价值和意义。As part of the Song Ci as a whole, imperial clan Ci has its own value and significance.

唐诗宋词是中华文学宝库中的璀璨明珠。Tang poetry and Song Ci are shining pearls in the treasure-house of Chinese literature.

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中国为什么对传统的秦砖汉瓦、唐诗宋词津津乐道、乐此不疲?Why is China the traditional Chinese tile brick Qin, Tang and Song talked about, never?

本文拟举唐诗宋词为代表说明它的语言艺术。In this article, the linguistic art of the poems of the Tong-Song period is illustrated.

宋诗无论是作家还是作品数量之巨均远胜宋词。Song poems surpass Song Ci far hugely regardless of the writers or quantity of the works.

本文拟略论翻译中宋词文化因素的不同处理方法。This paper attempts to discuss several methods of conveying cultural factors in Song Lyrics.

但现代宋词研究,于宋词与民俗关系,却尚未深入。But current research on the relation between Song Ci poetry and folk-custom is not very deep.

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从远古时期的劳动号子到唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清的民歌以及戏曲、说唱艺术,各种民族音乐体系都离不开声乐。Chinese drama, art of speaking and singing and all kinds of folk music don't part from vocality.

宋词主要的演唱者,是职业化与专业化的歌妓。The principal performers of the Song ci-poetry were occupational and professional singsong girls.

而宋词和苏轼词的翻译引介工作自20世纪初期才起步,但是发展非常迅速。However, translating and introducing Su Shi's ci-poems to the west started in the early 20th century.