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佛去不要何来倘若?Buddha to don't no if?

倘若你只有一寸高。If youwere one inch tall.

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颓废倘若是催眠曲。If it is decadent lullaby.

倘若我所说的都是真理。If aught I have said is truth.

倘若果真如此,这个人就像一个正在形成的火药桶。If so, you've got a powder keg.

倘若爱在转角处出现。If loves in the corner appearance.

倘若实在没有石泉的消息。If still no news comes from Shiquan.

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倘若如此这般你能容忍。If these and such-like you can bear.

这生活真可怜,倘若充满忧思。A poor life this is, if full of care.

倘若群星燃烧着眷注我们的激情。How should we like it were stars to burn.

哦,倘若你的清高未把欢乐阻碍。O if thy pride did not our joys controul.

倘若我真是暴君,他们就会俯伏在我的脚下了。Were I such they would grovel at my feet.

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倘若银子不行,那麽,我们得用金子试一试了。If silver won't do, why, we must try gold.

倘若不被你奴役,我绝不会自由自在。Except you enthrall me, never shall be free.

倘若那不信的人要离去、就由他离去罢。But if the unbeliever leaves , let him do so.

倘若事实并非如此,那么让达西先生自己来辨白吧。If it be not so, let Mr. Darcy contradict it.

倘若银子不行,那么,我们应该用金子试一试。If silver will not do, why, we must try gold.

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倘若不希望的事降临,你就祈祷吧。When something uncalled-for befalls, you pray.

倘若邻家的芳草并不比你家的绿,你有何打算呢?What if the grass isn't greener, what would you do?

倘若我是你,就不会为英语苦恼了。If I were you- I would not be robothered by English.