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规范麻黄素的使用管理。Standardizing control over ephedrine use.

加强麻黄素的经营管理。Strengthening ephedrine management control.

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国家对麻黄素的出口实行许可证管理制度。The State practices license control system for the export of ephedrine.

国家对麻黄素实行统购统销。The State practices monopoly for the purchase and marketing of ephedrine.

未经指定的任何单位和个人,不得经营麻黄素业务。No unit or individual without appointment shall operate ephedrine business.

在他的血液中发现有违禁物质麻黄素的迹象。He was found to have traces of the banned substance, ephedrine, in his blood stream.

卫生部门要加强对麻黄素单方制剂的管理。Departments of public health must enhance control over prescribed ephedrine preparations.

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禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited.

介绍了左旋麻黄素经过酰化、成盐、水解工艺过程转旋为右旋麻黄素。D-ephedrine was made from L-ephedrine through the acidylation, salification and hydrolytic action.

从本通知下发之日起,一律不再进口麻黄素。No ephedrine shall be imported any more under any circumstances as of the date of issuance of this Circular.

任何定点生产企业不得违反国家规定超计划生产麻黄素。No designated production enterprise shall overproduce ephedrine beyond the plan in violation of state provisions.

医药工业用于制造金霉素、土霉素、四环素、链霉素、麻黄素。The pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of aureomycin, terramycin, tetracycline, streptomycin, ephedrine.

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禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素出口许可证和出口购用证明。Speculation and transfer of ephedrine export licenses and certificates of purchase and use for export are prohibited.

严禁社会各类医药商店及私人诊所经销麻黄素单方制剂。All categories of pharmacies of society and private clinics are strictly prohibited to sell prescribed ephedrine preparations.

目的建立麻黄素洗必泰滴鼻液中盐酸麻黄碱和醋酸洗必泰的含量测定方法。OBJECTIVE To develop a method for determining the contents of ephedrine hydrochloride and chlorhexidine acetate in nasal drops.

麻黄素单方制剂只能卖给医疗单位,医疗单位凭医生处方销售。Prescribed ephedrine preparations can only be sold to medical units which shall sell on the strength of doctors’ prescriptions.

用CPA矩阵紫外分光光度法测定扑麻滴鼻液中扑尔敏和麻黄素的含量。Chlorphenamine maleate and ephedrine hydrochloride in Puma nasal drops were determined simultaneous by CPA Matrix UV spectrophotometry.

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为减少甲基安非他命的生产,美国严格控制毒品化学原料伪麻黄素的销售与进口。The United States, to curtail methamphetamine production, restricts sales and imports of pseudoephedrine, the chemical used to make the drug.

麻黄素运输许可证由公安部统一印制,一证一次使用有效。Ephedrine transport permits shall be uniformly printed by the Ministry of Public Security and one certificate shall be valid for a single use.

故医生在治疗中耳炎时,往往会给患者开些滴鼻剂,如呋喃西林麻黄素滴鼻液等药物。Therefore, doctors in the treatment of otitis media, often patients will prescribe nose drops, nose drops and other drugs such as nitrofurazone.