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你被降职了。You have been demoted.

总经理将那名雇员降职。The general manager downgraded the employee.

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他因侵吞公款而被降职。He was put down from the office for peculation.

受疯狂监视的升职和降职。Promotions and demotions were zealously monitored.

调离商务部驻华大使算是降职?Be transferred from the Ministry of Commerce Ambassador demoted?

这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士。The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.

他被降职并从台北分公司调职到高雄分公司。He was demoted and was transferred from Taipei branch to Kaohsiung branch.

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她向平机会投诉后,被降职,然后被解雇。She says she was demoted and then sacked after complaining to the Commission.

再生巨流描述被降职的男人的纠葛和再生。Wadsworth group described the degraded regeneration of entanglement and renewable.

事实上,他以前曾是胡锦涛主席的“首席高参”,2012年被突然降职。He was in effect chief-of-staff to President Hu, but was demoted in a surprise move in 2012.

诉状还称,这些女性雇员会被公司降职处理,原职位则被资历较浅的男性雇员替代。It also said the company demoted those women and replaced them with "junior" male employees.

去年他对劳动部长降职,因为劳动部长打击了中国人和印度人的商业兴趣。Last year he demoted his labour minister, who had lambasted Chinese and Indian businessinterests.

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而且就在本周末之前,肖纳•布朗被降职,接管Google.org业务。And just under the wire this weekend, Shona Brown, was demoted to overseeing the business.

关于李彪而言,降职并不可怕,他等待的是能与林振海有一个真正的比赛。About LiBiao speaking, demotion is not terrible, he waiting for the LinZhenHai has a real with the game.

春节的前一天,谢孝彰启程重庆,韩得到了保存军衔降职为“连长”的处分。The Spring Festival eve, XieXiaoZhang departure chongqing, Korea got rank demoted for "save the company commander" punishment.

早知道俩孩子保不住奖学金和艾丽丝被降职,他们就不会这么做了。If they had known the children were going to lose their scholarships and that Alice would be demoted , they would have never done it.

另外需指出的是,当地法院院长已经被降职并被调任,去监督当地投资和发展新区。In addition, the court president at that time was demoted and assigned to a new job overseeing a local investment and development zone.

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实际上他离开这个工作是由于接受不了被小小地降职,因为他觉得对于自己的自尊心来说是一个打击。He was actually laid off from his job because he wouldn’t accept a small demotion in title because he felt it was a blow to his dignity.

戈尔曼希望放慢速度,以保持服务质量,但他在2005年被调到一个新的岗位上,许多同事认为这相当于是降职。Gorman wanted to slow down to preserve service quality, but he was moved to a new job in 2005 that many colleagues considered a demotion.

1945年,在被莫斯科领导层降职后,宾利去了美国联邦调查局,交出了她情报网里的100多个间谍。In 1945, after being demoted by controllers in Moscow, Bentley went to the FBI and gave up the 100-plus spies that comprised her networks.