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高烈度事件具有相当的破坏性且十分重大。High-amplitude events are very destructive and significant.

麦加利烈度是由可观测地震破坏确定的。The Mercalli Scale is based on observable earthquake damage.

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他把该原理以意大利经济学家维弗烈度·伯莱图命名,称“伯莱图法则”。He named it the " Pareto principle," for the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto.

布局范例为框架布局,抗震设防烈度为七度。Structure types of frame structure, seismic fortification intensity for seven degrees.

这种抗震设计思想对高烈度地区的大跨径连续梁桥设计具有现实意义。This idea can be used for design of large span continuous beam in strong seismic area.

这次地震最大烈度为9度到10度左右,逐渐减弱到5度。Here, the highest intensity for this earthquake is about 9 to 10, and it goes down to 5.

地震仪、震级和烈度地震的分布和破坏。Seismograph, intensity and magnitude, distribution of earthquake. Effects of earthquake.

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随采深增加,岩爆的烈度等级加大。岩爆的发生存在一个临界深度。The rock burst break intensity will be stronger with the increasing of excavating depth.

烈度测量的是在特定地点地震所产生的震动力。Intensity measures the strength of shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain location.

在那次交战中,英军埋设了4万磅中等烈度的炸药,把上千德军士兵炸成齑粉。In that the British places 40, 000lb of medium explosives which blew hundreds of Germans to smithereens.

对地震设防烈度8度情况下的地铁隧道地基进行了抗震加固研究。In the thesis, the study of anti-seismic measures is conducted in the case of the earthquake of 8 degree.

地基情况可按静安区地基常规情况考虑,地震设防烈度为7度。The foundation should be considered as regular foundation of the Jin An area, with Seismic intensity of 7.

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震级与烈度,两者虽然都可反映地震的强弱,但含义并有一样。Magnitude and intensity, although they can reflect the strength of the earthquake, but also have the same meaning.

中国禄丰侏罗纪世界遗址馆主厅为高烈度区不规则大跨结构。The Exhibition Hall of Jurassic World in Lufeng is an irregular and large-span structure in highly seismic region.

输电线路不可避免地穿越高烈度地震区,地震作用不可忽视。Electric transmission line inevitably traverse high intensity seismic region, and semi-action can not be neglected.

第三步,寻找相应于此最优烈度的最小造价设计。In the third step, the minimum cost design scheme corresponding to the optimum defense intensity will be found out.

本文讨论了地震序列中前震、主震和余震的烈度。This paper discusses the intensity of the earthquake sequences, which include the foreshock, main shock and aftershock.

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构造带的推覆构造特征很可能控制了地震震源深度、震中区与烈度区的不同位等特征。The characters of the nappe structure may control the locations of the focus and epicenter as well as the other features.

最后对三种方案的悬置软垫进行振动烈度测量对比,优选出最佳方案的悬置软垫。At last select the best one among three scheme of mount gasket through comparing experimental test on vibrating intensity.

地震的震源较浅,烈度较高,造成1708栋房屋受损,1630人无家可归,经济损失高达7千多万元。In this event, 1708 houses were damaged , 1630 persons lost their houses and economical losses are about more than 70 millions.