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我会谢绝另一家的聘用。I’ll decline the other offer.

没有得到面试或聘用通知?Not getting interviews or job o ers?

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我是被人事部聘用的。I was hired by the Personnel Section.

在哈佛收到长期聘用资格的第一女性。First woman to receive tenure at Harvard.

是的。如果你聘用了我,我会尽全力做好。Yes, I am. If you hire me I'll do my best.

美国各大电视网会出重金尝试聘用她们。CNN and FoxNews will be trying to hire them.

是,降低标准,聘用那个养眼的人吧。Then mark yourself down and hire the looker.

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他的在易博城市的工厂聘用了125名工人。His factory in Ybor City employs 125 workers.

这是暴徒为聘用工作的名义法西斯。It's thug-for-hire work on behalf of fascists.

在聘用方面,你的长处和短处分别是什么?What are your strengths and weaknesses in hiring?

要是他们觉着我不错,那下个季度他们还会聘用我。If they like me, they’ll hire me back next season.

但是我决定冒险聘用他。But I’m gonna take a risk and hire him anyways. MMT

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开始聘用女车长及女售票员。Hongkong Tramways began to employ female employees.

工作听起来挺适合我的,但是我没被聘用。The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn t hired.

国泰航高薪聘用英国飞行员。Cathay Pacifics hiring British pilots at a high salary.

摩根斯坦利不再聘用HBGary作为安全承包商。Morgan Stanley dropped HBGary as a security contractor.

这被称为“人才并购”或者“获取式聘用”。These are called "talent acquisitions" or "acqui-hires."

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他们希望聘用自己喜欢、并且信任的人。They want to hire people they like and implicitly trust.

我当然将接受贵公司的聘用,我想为你们工作。Of course, I‘ll accept your offer. I want to work for you.

那就像有人把聘用你家的地板。It's like hiring someone to put a floorboard in your house.