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终令波锒铛入狱。Finally make waves in jail.

他被警察逮捕,落了个锒铛入狱的下场。He was caught by the police and ended up behind bars.

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无尽的战争以证明无数人锒铛入狱是合理的。Endless war is taken to justify endless incarcerations.

首先他们将炒了你的鱿鱼,然后你将锒铛入狱,而且还要缴纳很大一笔罚金。Second you will get imprisoned. They will fine you a big amount and many more.

他因被指控贪污盗窃而锒铛入狱。He was accused of graft and embezzlement and was chained and thrown into prison.

而有些马萨伊牧民,即使锒铛入狱也在所不惜,他们就是要对这里的狮子大开杀戒,就因为这种猛兽袭击了他们家的牛畜。Some Masai pastoralists will risk jail time to kill lions because they sometimes prey on cattle.

学生时代的他因参加学校反希特勒的社团而锒铛入狱,曾被单独囚禁过。He was in prison and in solitary, sent there for being part of a schoolboys' anti-Hitler society.

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后来,这场官司真的打赢了,狼被判故意伤害罪锒铛入狱!Subsequently, this case is really winning, and the wolf convicted of intentional assault in jail!

学生时代的他因参加学校反希特勒的社团而锒铛入狱,曾被单独囚禁过。He was in prison and in solitary, sent there for being part of a schoolboys ' anti-Hitler society.

如果使用平台就会锒铛入狱,那么想得到表达平台的要求就不能满足。The demand for access to platforms of expression cannot be satisfied when using them lands you in prison.

郑因为他的高超技术和自吹自擂而锒铛入狱。Because of his bragging—and his great skill—Gen lands in the King's prison, shackled to the wall of his cell.

创维电器创始人黄宏生锒铛入狱后,与管理层之间出现过公司争夺战。Stephen Wong, founder of Skyworth electrical jail after there have been between the company and the management battle.

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但如今由于在颅内植入了钛片,史蒂夫终于有了一个“正常”的头部,并于本月10日“目送”凶手锒铛入狱。But today with his "normal" head into which was inserted a titanium plate, Steven can finally see his attacker on February 10.

那些因为非法牟利而锒铛入狱的腐败政客们竟然可以在出狱后堂而皇之地回到议院工作。Corrupt politicians that were in prison for doing illegal favors were able to head right back to parliament after they got out.

2006年土耳其有40名市级官员因受贿违规发放建筑许可证而锒铛入狱。In 2006, 40 municipal officials in three towns in Turkey were arrested for taking bribes in return for allowing unlicensed construction.

这些年来,中国富豪福布斯榜上数不胜数的成员锒铛入狱,王相信,剩下的人,也在惴惴不安,谁是下一个牺牲品。Numerous members of Forbes' China rich list have been jailed over the years, and the rest, Wang believes, have to wonder if they're next.

华伯格以小瘪三的姿态开始了他的社会生活,他甚至曾因野蛮殴打两名越南人而锒铛入狱。Performer Mark Wahlberg began his public life as a small-time thug, even doing time at one point for the savage beatings of two Vietnamese men.

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而在这儿,他非但没能找到他苦苦寻求的自由,反倒锒铛入狱,因为根据以色列法律规定,敌国的渗入者将受到监禁。Here, instead of finding the freedom he sought, he has spent a year in prison under an Israeli law that jails infiltrators from enemy countries.

按照伊朗法律,丈夫欠下彩礼,很有可能锒铛入狱。目前,争论围绕着是否应当根据丈夫的经济状况对此做适当调整。An Iranian man can end up in jail over dowry debts and there has been a judicial debate whether it should be adjusted according to the man's financial status.

他与窗外的星星相伴了近3年,苦捱着因入室盗窃而锒铛入狱的日子。He has spent nearly three years with those stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas, South Africa, counting the days of his sentence for housebreaking.