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他知道我是个哑炮!He knows I'm a Squib!

北朝的核实验对于市场而言,也不过是一枚哑炮而已。North Korea's nuclear test was a damp squib in market terms.

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凤凰社成员代表了各式各样的人,从巫师到哑炮都有。Members represented a wide variety of folk, from wizards to Squibs.

谁希望把哑炮和麻瓜出身的人都赶出霍格沃兹呢?Who'd want to frighten all the Squibs and Muggle-borns out of Hogwarts?

这一回,廉价资金带来的巨响,似乎也变成了个小哑炮。Today, the bang from that easy buck also appears to have shrunk to a small squib.

费尔奇是个哑炮,意思是他出身于巫师家庭但不会魔法。Filch is a squib, which means that he was born of a wizarding family but cannot do magic.

“他从未跟我说他妹妹是个哑炮。”哈利脱口而出,仍感寒气攻心。"He never told me his sister as a Squib, " said Harry, without thinking, still cold inside.

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阿尔贝拉,看起来是个典型的哑炮,养了几只不寻常的猫。Arabella, in what seems to be typical of Squibs , owns several cats which act as more than pets.

看来“哑炮”一词只是用在那些魔法能力十分低的人身上的。It would seem that the term " squib" is used for anyone whose magic powers are noticably lacking.

“我不相信,”赫敏说,她也站了起来,“无论那女孩有什么问题,我不认为她是哑炮。"I don't believe it, " said Hermione. She stood up too. "Whatever was wrong with that girl, I don't think she was a Squib.

而如果魔法具有显性特征,则在经过许多代通婚之后,麻瓜遗传确实有可能在社会中造就更多的哑炮。However, if magic is a dominant trait, Muggle heritage may indeed result in more Squibs in the community after some generations of intermarriage.