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这可是全篇最荒谬的谎言。This is directly related to the lie above.

我们全篇发现了许多错误。We've found numerous errors down the line.

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开始后就不要停止阅读全篇文章。Read the entire text over once without stopping.

全篇五大部分浑然一体,首尾相应。The whole five major parts are unified one entity.

根据问题将全篇迅速地看一遍。Go over the whole pbumage quickly based on the questions.

是回荡全篇的低沉而又哀婉的调子。Is a whole chapter echoes the tone of deep but subtle language.

他的全篇论文可登陆华威大学网站查看。His full thesis is available on the University of Warwick's website.

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最后是文章的结论部分,对全篇的归纳总结,得出结论。Finally, the conclusions of the article to summarize the whole article summary concluded.

全篇都在烘托一种阴森、恐怖、病态、毛骨悚然、凄楚可怜的气氛。The whole story is creating an eerie, terrifying, sick, gruesome and miserable atmosphere.

战争未起先折兵马,不祥之兆给全篇奠定了低沉的格调。War not at first, the writing on the clay to fold jumping over the style of laid the deep.

最后,第四章以湘潭槟榔企业集群发展战略为案例,总括全篇。Then, finally, it is summed up by analyzing strategies on Xiangtan betel cluster development.

通读全篇,通过配对中心句,获取文章大意。Ss are required to read through the text and match the main idea statements to related paragraphs.

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如果全篇都是一个挨一个的肥胖的段落,这也就意味着你的角色在吐沫横飞地做演讲了。If it's a succession of one chunky paragraph after another, your characters are talking too much in speeches.

弗兰克林教士是第一批将全篇布道录成唱片并进行销售的教士。The Reverend Franklin was among the first ministers to record full length sermons and then offer them for sale.

在景介翻译中,由于大多译文按原文全篇翻译,文章在景色细节上大肆渲染给人华而不实之感。But in the translation of scenic spot introduction, most original text are translated into English word by word.

本文全篇按照“发现问题-分析问题-解决问题-总结思考”的逻辑思考过程。The whole article is in accordance with logic form as "finding problems-Analyzing the problems-solving the problems-sum up".

艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour.

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我的努力你看得到,全篇翻译,靠您的认识可以评断是否是用心手工翻译。I believe you can see my efforts, total translation, rely on your knowledge, you can judge whether I translated it by self or not.

如果你希望了解更多,请读全篇,“医学院学生的痛苦和医生自杀危机”,同时请加入以下的讨论。To learn more, read the full column, " Medical Student Distress and the Risk of Doctor Suicide, " and then please join the discussion below.

关键是,段落的长短要视全篇文章的需要而定,比如要看该文章的主题是什么,本段落在全文中的所处位置,以及它在阐述文章观点过程中有何作用。Ultimately, the length of the paragraph depends on its topic, its position in the essay and its role in the development of the thesis statement.