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所以,我不知道该如何下笔。So, I don't know how to draw it.

读书破万卷,下笔如有神。He owns a gifted pen, who reads tremendously.

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读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Break rolls of reading, writing if there is God.

他是个雇佣文人,不过天生下笔千言,很有些才气而已。That party hack is just in politics for the money.

一九八三年十一月,我开始热心地以中文下笔。I began Chinese writing in earnest in November 1983.

如果你想成为一名画家,你就不要缩手缩脚地不敢下笔。Don't nibble at your picture if you want to be a painter.

那么,我的生活经历如何引导我下笔写出这些书稿?And so, how does my experience inform the books I've written?

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但是我放松时,会感到下笔流畅自如。But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.

他悉心研究这个题目之后才敢下笔写。He soaked himself in the subject before daring to write about it.

我一直在收集资料,但是我现在还不知道我将会如何下笔开始写作。I am collecting material but don’t yet know exactly how I will write it.

我发现自己越在乎的事,就越不容易下笔。I've always found the more I care about something, the harder it is to wrtie.

下笔千言,离题万里。A thousand words from the pen in a stream, but ten thousand li away from the subject.

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真的要下笔写我的爱情史,好像突然脑袋就空白了。因为那根本不叫爱情吧。If let me write a story about my love, my mind suddenly empty. May there were not love.

亲友的惨遇,痛苦的重压迫使他下笔,尽管如此,他还是没准备好。Bitter constraint and sad occasion are forcing him to write, even though, of course, he's not yet ready.

一九七九我发表第一篇中语文章,热衷地下笔是一九八三的秋天开始的。I published my first Chinese article in 1979, but writing in earnest did not begin until the fall of 1983.

由于感到难以下笔,她浏览了在线同义词词典,还在派恩河养马场的网页上逗留了很久。Still stumped, she browses an online thesaurus. She studies the Pine River Web site for the umpteenth time.

想写一点东西,下笔时又渗进了浓烈的悲调,终于再也不敢下笔。Wanted to write something, write a thick Shiyou infiltrated a tragedy, and finally no longer afraid to write.

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意志坚定的人会画出之字形图案或者三角形图案,而那些犹豫的人下笔会相对较轻。Determined people will use corners, zigzags and triangles, while more hesitant types use light, sketchy strokes.

削铅笔,收拾桌子之类的和写作没关系的事,都放到一边,坐著、站著、躺著,想怎么写就怎么写,才能下笔有神。The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended.

这种切骨的舍不得在走黄河途中一直随同下笔者,没有须臾的离去。Soul This cut bone in the Yellow River has been reluctant to go along with the way under the author, no instant to leave.