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他居然叫我给他加班干‘花式浆洗’。Him a-ringin' in fancy starch extras!

她的工作是把亚麻布浆洗硬了。Her job is to stiffen linen with starch.

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你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。Your job is to stiffen linen with starch.

一大包额外的“花式浆洗”送了过来。A bundle of extra "fancy starch" had come in.

洗完之后又得全力以赴干“花式浆洗”。This finished, they buckled down to "fancy starch."

她穿一件刚刚浆洗熨烫过的白色衬衣。She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt.

一伙伙老年人闲坐聊天,借着浆洗后搭晾的衣服的阴影避暑纳凉。Groups of elderly people sit in the shade of laundry put out to dry.

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探讨了未漂浆洗净度对漂白氯耗的影响。The effects of the unbleached pulp washing cleanliness on the consumption of chlorine are studied.

回宿舍后我悄悄地将体弱多病或没有劳动习惯的同学的衣服,统而括之浆洗干净。I infirmity or habits of the students did not work clothes, including integration of starched and clean.

成都市老南门浆洗街沿线档次最高的写字楼,该区域的地标性建筑。"Hongda International Plaza" is the tallest office building and the landmark in Jiangxi Street, South Chengdu.

按照使用顺序排列洗涤剂和其他用品,从消毒剂到喷雾式的浆洗剂。Arrange detergents and other products in the order in which you use them, from stain removers to spray-on starch.

她把双手放在我肩头,把我拉到她的围裙边,围裙散发出浆洗过的和新烤的面包的味道。She put her hands on my shoulders and drew me close to her apron, which smelled of starch and freshly baked bread.

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星期六又是“花式浆洗”和很多零碎活儿,到下午三点,一同的活儿才终于干完。Saturday morning it was "fancy starch, " and odds and ends, and at three in the afternoon the week's work was done.

家庭主妇收听气象预报员对天气的预测,等待天气变好后再大量浆洗衣服。Housewives listen to the weathermen'spredictions and wait for the weather to improve before they wash a lot clothes.

他在麻布围裙里面穿一件深色天鹅绒夹克衫,配一条灯芯绒裤子,扎着皮绑腿,里面穿一件浆洗过的白衬衫。Under his linen milking-pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket, cord breeches and gaiters, and a starched white shirt.

晚上十点旅馆客人都睡了,两个洗衣工还在流着汗忙“花式浆洗”呢。At ten o'clock, while the hotel guests slept, the two laundrymen sweated on at "fancy starch" till midnight, till one, till two.

我整周整周像个奴隶一样干活儿,争分夺秒,他们却给我送额外的‘花式浆洗’来。What's the good of me workin' like a slave all week, a-savin' minutes, an' them a-comin' an' ringin' in fancy- starch extras on me?

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我的老板,穿着特别浆洗过的衬衣,每礼拜四午饭后会去预约理发的家伙。My boss, with his extra-starched shirts and standing appointment for a haircut every Tuesday after lunch, he looks at me, and he says

该文通过爆破法制浆洗浆液的成分分析测定,对洗浆液进行了饲料酵母的生产性试验。Through the analysis of the washing pulps in demolition pulping, a productive experiment on the forage yeast from washing pulps was carried out.

介绍我国用于麦草浆洗筛及黑液提取的各种设备的特性、工艺流程及其生产运行效果。The features, flow schemes and operation effectiveness of different kinds of washers which are being used for wheat straw stock washing are introduced.