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学好一种语言。必须下苦功。The mastery of a language requires painstaking effort.

毕竟,生活中的教训总是需费一番苦功才能学到。After all, life lessons are always learned the hard way.

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他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.

不管怎样,这真的是要下很多苦功才能达到的,我的下一个计画?Anyway, it was a lot of hard work to get up there. What next?

结构化知识非历经数年苦功不可得This structured knowledge is built by years of effortful study

当时他下了苦功准备他的第一门考试,想要有最好的表现。He studied hard for his first test, and he wanted to do his best.

最终,当您具备有效的策略及有下点苦功时,便会开始看到成绩。Ultimately with a sound strategy and hard work, you will start seeing results.

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对大学生而言,相信只要肯下四年苦功,大抵都能冀望达到。For university students, after four years hard work, most students can achieve it.

这些原则和驱动力——当然也是苦功——对成功是至关重要的。That kind of discipline and drive – that kind of hard work – is absolutely essential for success.

学生们必须在提高阅读速度上下一番苦功。The student must make a real effort to improve his speed, and if necessary his comprehension, with each exercise.

这个年轻的中国小姑娘很明显下了苦功,她在奥运会上获得的奖牌都是应得的。This young Chinese girl has obviously trained very hard and is deserving of every medal she gets in the Olympics.

我们认为元华应该在讲究陈列、讲究氛围、讲究独特上下苦功。We hold it that Yuanhua shall exert itself in exhibition management, atmosphere cultivation and uniqueness pursuit.

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没有人会关注这些苦功究竟来自哪里的灵魂,只需要满足那些大腹便便的富人就好。No one will be concerned about these unless one is from where the soul, you only need to meet those potbellied rich.

当我们看到得奖运动员于颁奖礼时站在台上,请不要忘记他们曾忍受的痛苦与下过的苦功。When we see medallists standing on the podium at medal ceremonies, don't forget the pain and hard work they have endured.

那么又如何在个人成长和自我提高中”步向成功“呢?下面就是一些费一些苦功才学会的教训。How do you walk to success in the self-growth and self-improvement business? Here are some walking lessons learned the hard way.

我实际上自己就是一个日语专业学生,甚至我还在它上面下了苦功,我喜欢日语,而且我觉得每个人都应该试一试。I'm actually a Japanese major myself, and even if I've given it a bit of a hard time, I love the Japanese language, and I think everyone should give it a try.

假如说前一阶段横涂竖抹是在“享受绘画的乐趣”,那么现在就得下一翻苦功了。If you say that the previous stage is a cross painted vertical wipe "enjoy the fun of painting, " then would now have to work harder in the next over the pages.

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以低廉成本取得的制造优势显然不再适合当今的形式,因此,中国产品的出口当从出口产品的品牌战略以及出口企业的核心竞争力两方面下一番苦功。Therefore, China has to turn from the producing advantage from low cost to the strategy of both developing the product brand strategy and building the corporate core competence.

本片在历史研究方面颇下了一番苦功,展现给大家大量珍贵的反映战争的电影胶片,包括40年代的克利特岛,意大利和北非战役,50年代大雪纷飞中的北韩战役,以及60年代的越南战争。Years of international research has unearthed footage of troops in Crete , Italy and North Africa in the 40s, in the snows of Korea in the 50s and the jungles of Vietnam in the 60s.

同时,还要像他那样,有准确地反映客观事物的能力,在现实生活中多观察,多做基本练习,下一番苦功才行。At the same time, also, as he did, there is an accurate reflection of the ability of objective things, and more in real life observation, more basic practice, the next do some hard work.