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我们俩的房屋邻接着。Our two houses adjoin.

我们在邻接的房间工作。We work in adjacent rooms.

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医院邻接公园。The hospital adjoins the park.

化肥厂邻接农机厂。The school adjoins the factory.

两座房子在此邻接。The two houses join at this point.

加拿大和美国邻接。Canada and the United States adjoin.

这个花园与一个果园邻接。The garden abutted on to an orchard.

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我们想要两间邻接的双人房。Can we have two adjoining double rooms, sir?

与我省邻接的地区遭受了一次地震。An earthquake hit the area abutting our province.

线条带也可以拥有邻接信息。A line strip that also contains adjacency information.

邻接处消除了建筑物之间的残余空间。Contiguity eliminates residual spaces between buildings.

此步骤的边可以在邻接矩阵中找到。The edges for this step can be found in the adjacency matrix.

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非洲西南部一国家,邻接大西洋。A country of southwest Africa bordering on the Atlantic Ocean.

在修道院和邻接的建筑里设置一间复合套房。an apartment complex in the convent and the adjoining buildings.

如果两条边恰有一个公共端点,就说它们是邻接的。Two edges are adjacent if they have exactly one common end vertex.

图与其邻接矩阵之间有着一一对应的关系。There is the relationship between the graph and the adjacency matrix.

系统中各邻接刚体之间作受控的相对运动。The contiguous bodies of the system perform controlled relative motion.

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用邻接法进行分子系统发育分析。Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed with Neighbor-Joining method.

邻接图的每条边都对应于形状图的边缘。Every edge in the Delaunay graph corresponds to an edge in the Voronoi graph.

如果封闭的侧面彼此邻接,该区域要有适当的通风。If the enclosing sides adjoin each other, the area should be properly vented.