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他鼾声如雷。He snored loudly.

他的鼾声吵醒了我。His snores woke me up.

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他的鼾声把我吵醒了。His snores woke me up.

他的鼾声把她惊醒了。His snores woke her up.

他的鼾声大得使我睡不着。His loud snore kept me awake.

床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。Bed to sleep, but snoring deafening.

昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。I heard him snore thunderously last night.

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如果你只是打着鼾声睡过去,谁又在乎呢?If you sleep and snore through it, who cares?

此起彼伏的鼾声消溶在昏黄的夜灯里。As one falls snoring dissolving in the dim light.

妻已安然入眠,鼾声如雷。His wife has to sleep safely, snore like thunder.

昨天晚上我听见你鼾声如雷。Last night I heard you driving pigs to the market.

昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。Last night I heard him driving his pigs to markets.

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昨天,我听见他鼾声如雷。last night i heard him driving his pigs to markets.

可是放完100张幻灯片后屋子里就传来了鼾声。After the first 100 slides, snores were heard in the room.

第四个顾客在酒吧的最里面打着粗糙的鼾声。The fourth customer snored sloppily at the end of the bar.

或者一个女人和一个忍受不了自己老婆鼾声的男人在一起。Or the one with the guy who's repulsed by his wife's snoring.

“不错,你也许应该先打听打听的,”约翰爵士打着鼾声说。Yes, you ought, perhaps, to ha' done that, ' snored Sir John.

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他躺着呻吟了一会儿,不久我们便听到了他的鼾声。He lies there groaning. In a little while we hear him snoring.

哦,鼾声、雨声,还有妈妈那闻起来像面包的头发。The snoring, the tain, and Mama's hair that smells like bread.

睡在帐蓬里其他孩子的鼾声使我睡不着觉。The snores of the other boys sleeping in the tent kept me awake.