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这是个孤儿院This is an orphanage.

洁茹是孤儿院里年纪最大的孩子,她今年已经十八岁了。she was already 18 years old.

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这个孤儿院位于坎帕拉的中心。It was in the centre of Kampala.

随后他亲自参观了孤儿院。He visited the orphanage himself.

因此,有一天我来到了她的孤儿院。So I walked one day to her orphanage.

抽鼻子,他率领出孤儿院。Sniffling, he was led out of the orphanage.

那些孤儿院需要欢呼声。Those in the orphanages needs cheerfulness.

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张钧甯在片中饰演来自孤儿院的孤儿。Ning Chang acted as a orphan from orphanage.

他立遗嘱把他大部分的钱都留给了孤儿院。He willed most of his money to the orphanage.

后来她被送到新赫布里的孤儿院。She was taken to an orphanage in New Hebrides.

她们只好把这些孩子送到国立孤儿院去。They turned them over to state-run orphanages.

孤儿院中的孩子们常常挨饿。Many children in the orphanage were starved often.

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我们会寻找方法为他们建立一所孤儿院。We will find a way to create an orphanage for them.

她的父母刚一去世,她的叔叔便把她送进了孤儿院。When she was orphaned,her uncle sent her to orphanage.

孩子们在孤儿院受到了良好的照顾。The children were taken good care of in the the orphanage.

这对无子女夫妇从孤儿院认养了一个女儿。This childless couple adopted a daughter from the orphanage.

我们一周吃两次的冰淇淋而且都不吃孤儿院的食物。We have ice-cream twice a week and we never have corn-meal mush.

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他将他所有的钱都捐给了孤儿院,真是慷慨之致。It is generous of him to donate all his money to the orphan's home.

我觉得这部影片最精彩的部分是描述小拉斐尔到孤儿院时候的片段。The best part of film for me is when a little Rafal gets orphanage.

我不能抛弃她,虽然有人建议我把她送到孤儿院去。I could not abandon her, though I was advised to bring her to orphanage.