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农田开始变热。Farmland has become hot.

有几块农田被淹没了。Several farms were overflown.

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我们的农田沿河毗连。Our farms join along the river.

干草垛在英国的一片农田上隐约可见。Hay bales loom over a U. K. field.

这条新筑的路将把农田分成两半。The new road will divide the farm.

篱笆是威尔士农田的分界线。Hedgerows separate fields in Wales.

有点像在农田中间上学。Kind of in the middle of farm land.

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农田为洪水所淹没。The fields were inundated with flood.

二要加强农田水利和高标准农田建设。irrigation and high-standard farmland.

农田土壤风蚀过程。The process of farmland soil deflation.

阿迪马对他的新农田感到无比的自豪。Adema is immensely proud of his new farm.

就如蝗虫摧毁农田般。Ever seen croplands destroyed by locusts.

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回用水可以用来进行农田灌溉。The water would be reused to irrigate crops.

日本的农田时价是多少?What is the going price of farmland in Japan?

日本的农田时价是几许?。What is the going price of fsetland in Japan?

当外出时你会看到农田和花园。When you're out, notice the fields and gardens.

但从长时间尺度来看,耕翻将增加农田N_2O排放。For long time scales, it increases N2O emission.

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本发明用于农田灌溉。The invention is applied in farmland irrigation.

这个计划是要将沙漠变为农田。This plan is to change the desert into farmland.

远处,一辆拖拉机“咔咔”的驶过农田。A tractor rattles across a field in the distance.