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特例大声地喊着,“难以相信我一直在吃植物纤维。I can’t believe I’m eating plant fiber.

但是他们很少吃含有植物纤维的食物。But they rarely, if ever, ate plant fiber.

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介绍了以植物纤维原料为主的农用纸基地膜的研制与应用。The agricultural mulch made mainly of cellulose fibers was developed.

研究表明,大熊猫的粪便保留了它们如何分解植物纤维的线索。Panda poop held clues to how bears break down plant fibers, study says.

麻类是人类最早种植利用的植物纤维之一,广泛应用于人们生产和生活的各个领域。Bast fibers that are panted used early by mankind, is used in many fields.

植物纤维材料仍是扬声器纸盆用料的主流。Plant fiber is still the mainstream material which is used in cone speakers.

介绍了天然植物纤维的化学组成和加工性能。The chemical composition and processability of vegetable fiber are introduced.

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纯自然植物纤维、食用级的抗菌剂、自然纤维素。Pure natural plant fibers, food-grade antimicrobial substance, and natural cellulose.

探讨了矿物纤维代替植物纤维用于造纸的机理,展望了矿物纤维用于造纸的前景。The mechanism of using mineral fiber in papermaking in place of plant fibers is discussed.

我们应当吃大量的水果和蔬菜,因为他们富含有植物纤维而且脂肪含量低。We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and low in fat.

开发使用植物纤维作纸地膜具有良好的生物降解性。Development and use of the paper film made of plant fibers can produce good biodegradability.

利用植物纤维填充热塑性树脂来开发仿木塑料产品越来越受到人们的重视。Much attention was paid on thermoplastics filled with plant-fibers to produce wood-like plastics.

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另外他们又用植物纤维编成一些绳子,在门上拴了一个辘轳,装置起一架类似起重机的工具。Other ropes were made with vegetable fibers, and a sort of crane with a tackle was fixed at the door.

用植物纤维做前驱体,制备了不同温度下的热解硬炭材料。The hard carbon materials were prepared by pyrolyzing vegetal fiber precursors at various temperatures.

大麻仁,众所周知大麻是它的植物形式,是从大麻植物纤维的中提取的,具有精神作用的毒品。Cannabis, known as marijuana in its herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa.

这款赛车的零部件由植物纤维与树脂混制而成,其使用的燃料则由从巧克力中提炼出的油制成。It uses plant-oil based lubricants and a biodiesel engine capable of running on chocolate and vegetable oil.

探讨了由玄武岩纤维与植物纤维复合制备型体材料的基本方法及复合材料的物理结构。The preparation technology and the physical structure of shaped basalt fiber composite material are studied.

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本论文简要介绍了几种新型的非植物纤维在特种纸中的应用现状。This article mainly generalizes the present situation of the application of some new-style non-plant fibers.

肠内气体主要由结肠内未消化的食物发酵产生,例如植物纤维。Intestinal gas is typically caused by the fermentation of undigested food, such as plant fiber, in the colon.

针对稻草原料的植物纤维特性,本文对稻草板的加工工艺和成板机理进行了研究。According to the properties of straw material, the article explored the manufacturing technique and mechanism.