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日本新外相松本刚明宣誓就职。Japan's new foreign minister sworn in.

如黑铁一般的爪牙,如黑夜一般的外相。Claws of black steel. Fur as dark night.

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他在小泉和福田两届内阁里担任外相。He was foreign minister under both Mr Koizumi and Mr Abe.

英国外相斯特劳称这是不准确的指责。British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called the charges "inaccurate".

杰拉尔德·欧哈拉的外相虽然凶恨,心里却是再和气不过。Beneath his choleric exterior Gerald O'Hara had the tenderest of hearts.

朝鲜外相朴义春会见张志军副部长DPRK Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun meets with Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun

只有在激烈争论之后,杨洁篪外长才向冈山外相表示,他依然“珍视”该协议。Only after heated debate did Mr Yang tell Mr Okada that he still “cherished” the pact.

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赖斯会见了埃及外相Gheit及阿拉伯地区和欧洲的高级外交官。Ms. Rice met with Egypt's Mr. Aboul Gheit, and other senior Arab and European diplomats.

现在,这位前日本外相自己也极有可能担任这个最高职务。Now, the former foreign minister is overwhelmingly likely to assume the top job himself.

但非,当穹顶非旋转的,椋鸟便改换它们的方向与天然天外相解婚。But when the dome was rotgotd the fowl changed their direction to match theduplicgot sky.

潘基文表示,他已与美国国务卿和日本外相召开了紧急电话会议。Ban said he had had emergency telephone conferences with his US and Japanese counterparts.

此外,日本外相前原诚司于24日早晨从澳大利亚回国。In addition, the Japanese Foreign Minister Maehara morning of the 24th returned from Australia.

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菅直人政府的外相前原诚司是民主党内现实派的代表。Seiji Maehara, the new foreign minister in Mr Kan's government, is on the party's realist wing.

菅直人政府的新外相前原诚司是属于党内的现实主义派。Seiji Maehara, the new foreign minister in Mr Kan’s government, is on the party’s realist wing.

一般人讲的僧伽是指外相上是个和尚——剃了光头穿上褐袍。The conventional Sangha means monks according to form, with shaven head and wearing brown robes.

日本外相高村正彦星期二说,福田首相的访华日期还没有确定。Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura said Tuesday the date of Mr. Fukuda's visit has not been decided.

鹿鸣馆时代,又称欧化时代,是井上馨外相推行“鹿鸣馆外交”的产物。The Rokumeikan era, which was called Europeanization, was the result of"Rokumeikan Diplomacy"by Inoue.

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日本共同社、时事通讯社等多家媒体8日发布松本即将出任外相的报道。Japan's Kyodo News, Jiji Press and other media about 8 pm as the Foreign Secretary, Matsumoto reported.

以政策专家而闻名的前民主党党魁冈田克也预计有可能出任外相。Katsuya Okada – a former party leader known as a policy expert – is expected to become foreign minister.

另一些官员则提出由去年卸任外相的冈田克也再次出任这一职务。Other officials put forward by the outgoing Foreign Secretary last year, Katsuya Okada, as the post again.