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你应该总是对别人言听计从吗?。Should you always do what others tell you to do?

秘书们对老板是言听计从。The secretaries were all things to their bosses.

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人们从不会质疑我,他们言听计从。People do not question me , they listen and obey.

我开始装出尊敬她、对她言听计从的样子。I began faking the respect and authority she wanted.

总统对于经济民族主义的提议者则言听计从。Proponents of economic nationalism had the president's ear.

众正没有主意之际,听到二毛说得头头是道,也言听计从。The idea is not, as heard two hairs pronouncing on, and opinions.

我哥哥是名业余的摄影师,又是个言听计从的人。My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual.

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但还有人说我必须报答朱莉,在一个月内对她言听计从。But others have said I need to pay Julie back by spending a month doing everything she says.

他们一听到“温柔”这两个字,就想起那些言听计从的人。The moment a person hears the word "meekness, " they think of someone who is told what to do.

我们都想受人欢迎,魅力四射,这是人性使然,所以我们会对广告言听计从。Because human nature makes us want to be popular and glamorous, we follow the lead ads give us.

人们之所以言听计从,是力图被别人喜欢,但很快就会被认为是容易搞定的人。People who say yes to everything in an attempt to be liked are quickly recognized as pushovers.

鲍勃真是个马屁精。你见他今天早上对董事长言听计从的样子么?Bob's such a kiss-ass . Did you see him agreeing with everything the chairman said this morning?

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丈夫应该对妻子言听计从,对钱则不要太吝啬。Men should do what their wives tell them to do. And they should not be too careful with their money.

有那么多人对你那么好你却不关心,别人对你忽冷忽热你就言听计从的。There are so many people to you so good you do not care about other people fits and starts you , you follow their advice.

撒旦崇拜者们需要足够多的恐惧与负面情绪去控制群众使人们对他们的意志言听计从。The Satanists need a critical mass of fear and negative feeling in order to force populations to submit to their will and obey them.

由于对决定美国外交政策的白宫几乎言听计从,前第一夫人希拉里在政策制定实施上几乎并无作为。Hugely overshadowed by a White House that dominates US foreign policy, the former first lady rarely makes headlines on policy questions.

学校是孩子的第二位教师。它已变得越来越重要了。有些孩子认为教师的言行是对的,而且对教师的要求言听计从。In my opinion, it is both the school's and the parents'responsibities, for the parents are closer to their children than any other person.

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松赞干布视文成公主是天神的化身,所以对文成公主的建议,都言听计从。In the eyes of Songzan Ganbu, Princess Wencheng was the incarnation of the Goddess of Heaven. He never said no to any suggestion MADE by the princess.

每年花无病须向妻子乞求解药,因此他言听计从,好不愤懑。Spend the beard that do not have disease every year to wife beg antidote, accordingly his always follow sb's advice, good not depressed and discontented.

他对宠爱的妃子言听计从,营造“酒池肉林”以供享乐,发明才酷的刑罚来残害臣民,甚至还曾活活挖出劝诫他的大臣的心脏。For instance, he had a "pond of wine and a forest of meat" constructed only to please his favorite concubine. He devised horrible tortures to maim people.