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他扑通一声跳入水中。He flopped into water.

那男孩扑通一声坐下。The Boy sat down pimp.

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瓶塞扑通一声地拔了出来。The cork came out plop.

她扑通一声坐下来。She sat down with a plonk.

有些令人失望地“扑通”的掉下去了。Others plop disappointingly.

盒子扑通一声掉在地上。The box fell plonk on the floor.

他扑通一声跳进河里。He leapt headlong into the river.

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他扑通一声掉进水里。He fell with a flop into the water.

他扑通一声跌入水中。He fell into the water with a splash.

那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。The fish plopped back into the river.

扑通一声,他扎进水里去了。He dived into the water with a splash.

“扑通”的声音是你的心跳。The "lub-dup" sound is your heartbeat.

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对看没几秒心就扑通扑通的跳了。For a few seconds heart plop plop jumped.

深夜双眼未合,扑通地起来给友人写信。The night my eyes open, Kerplunk up to a friend.

孩子们扑通一声跳进河里。The children jumped into the river with a splash.

你报答她,扑通一声摔进旁边一泥。You thanked her by plopping into the nearest mud.

他扑通一声跌坐在办公桌前,又打呵欠又擦眼睛的。He plops behind the desk, yawns and rubs his eyes.

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我刚站起来,‘“扑通”一声,就坐在了地上。I just stand up, ' "splash" heard, sat on the ground.

牧羊女吓得扑通一下倒在地上。The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.

牧羊女很害怕扑通一声倒在地上。The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.