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这件罩衫剪裁得很合身。This is a well-tailored blouse.

那件布罩衫,他是从什么地方得来的呢?Where had he obtained that blouse?

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这家公司做衬衫和罩衫。The company makes shirts and blouses.

她把罩衫浸入热水中。She dipped the blouse into the hot water.

一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill.

她把罩衫的袖子绷在袖孔上。She tacked the sleeve of the blouse into the armhole.

穿件粗布罩衫,罩衫下是一身旧黑衣裤。He wore a blouse, and under his blouse an old black coat.

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她穿着一件粉红的尼龙罩衫,就象护士工作服一样。She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse's uniform.

这件粉红色细皱褶的雪纺纱罩衫有点太引人注目了。This fuchsia ruche chiffon blouse is a little too dramatic.

谢谢5月5月日来函查询关于纡绸罩衫的事宜。Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.

他说完后,又在罩衫下把大钥匙拉出来That done, he once more drew the big key from under his blouse.

他从有着无数洞的罩衫下面露出了一把大钥匙的一半,又加上一句And half drawing from beneath his tattered blouse a huge key, he added

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在整个使用寿命中,一件含聚酯成分的罩衫要比一件棉制T恤更节约能源。Over a lifetime, a polyester blouse uses less energy than a cotton T-shirt.

穿着传统白色披肩和长罩衫的盖尼显得尖刻并富有煽动性。Ghani, clad in a traditional white cape and tunic, was acerbic and provocative.

我们提供绘画罩衫虽然这些并不能保证完全洁净!We supply painting smocks although these do not guarantee complete cleanliness!

它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.

一种妇女服装,例如妇女的长服或罩衫,有紧身束腰带。A woman's garment, such as a dress or blouse, with a fitted waistband over which material blouses.

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她金黄的头发乱蓬蓬的,穿着一件瘦小的无袖罩衫,身子冻得瑟瑟发抖。Her blonde hair was matted, and I noticed that she was shivering in her thin little sleeveless blouse.

她的助手们拿着没有袖子的罩衫来了,罩衫是明亮的黄色和橘黄色----他们把这系在她身后。Her assistants come with a sleeveless smock, bright colors of yellow and orange, and tie this behind her.

罩衫外是一件整洁利落的夹克衫,袖子只到肘部,袖子下面她戴着一副仿小羊皮的手套。Over the shirtwaist was a natty jacket, elbow-sleeved, and to the elbows she wore gloves of imitation suede.