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而蒸汽机车却是山东绿林中的武士”。But a steam locomotive is a Shandong warrior.

“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.

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哪些人将在车站迎接“绿林少年”?Who will be meeting Greenwood Boys at the station ?

在森林里的一年,罗宾遇见其他许多绿林大盗。During his year in the forest, Robin met many other outlaws.

绿林少年“演唱团在工人俱乐部的那场演出还不错。The performance of the Greenwood Boys at the Workers' Club was all right.

在他成为绿林大盗之前,有一次,他决定参加一场比赛,以证明他的武艺。Once, before he became an outlaw, he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill.

南韩东南海岸边的小小村庄峰下村,坐拥秧秧青田和蓊蓊绿林。THE tiny village of Bongha, in south-eastern Korea, is surrounded by rice-paddies and steep woods.

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原来,特纳曾在某殖民地开矿,后来失利,成为绿林,也就是当地的,巴勒拉特帮。It turned out that Turner had a mining colony, and later lost a green forest, which is local, Ballarat to help.

这里有荒芜的高原,有一望无际的原野,有丰茂的绿林,也有高耸入云的雪山。There is desolate plateau, the vast expanse of the field, There are dense forests, also towering snow-capped mountains.

更兼有飞瀑流泉,面积广阔且保存较为完好的天然常绿林等自然景观。But also the cliff-side waterfall, and the vast area more well-preserved natural evergreen forest and other natural landscape.

现在,他将要分享他从这次经历中吸取到的的教训。他最近在科州一个叫绿林的乡村课堂上作过报告。Now, he's trying to share the lessons he learned from his experience. Recently, he spoke to a class in Greenwood Village, Colo.

现在伦敦市由一圈“绿林带”环抱,只有经过有关规划当局的允许,才能在这上面建造新的建筑物。It is now surrounded by a "green belt", on which new buildings may be put up only with the permission of the planning authorities.

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我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in the general clerical work of the office.

阳光下的鼓浪屿,日光岩和绿林掩映的洋房依稀可见。Sunlight Rock and western-style houses hidden in the lush greenery on Gulangyu Islet, a tiny island off the coast of Xiamen, were faintly visible.

住宅位于一个高地上,周围是茂密的绿林和一个陡峭的悬崖,住宅鸟瞰美丽的河流。The building is located on high ground with lust greenery and a bluff that overlooks the beautiful Miyagawa-River flowing north-south through Ise City.

我徒步穿过委内瑞拉中心海岸地带茂密的、雨林一样的绿林,边走边赶着蚊子,挤过扎人的棕榈树。I'm hiking through dense, rain-forest-like vegetation near Venezuela's central coast, shooing away mosquitoes and unsuccessfully dodging spiky palm trees.

在井冈山革命根据地的创建中,“绿林”出身的袁文才等人作出了重要的贡献。The creation of Jinggagshan Revolutionary Base owes certain to the contribution of the force converted from "greenwood outlaws" of whom Yuan Wencai is a representative.

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向警察承认,他通常在马锡菲与Neillsville附近的酒吧或夜总会晚上休市之后才去绿林农场。Hart, of Neillsville, allegedly told police that he routinely stopped at a Greenwood farm, usually after bar closing or on trips to strip clubs near Marshfield or Neillsville.

在绿林中西尔凡精灵仍然无忧无虑地生活着,但在萝林,只有非常少地原住民悲哀地游荡,卡拉斯加拉顿不再有光明和歌声。In the Greenwood the Silvan Elves remained untroubled, but in Lórien there lingered sadly only a few of its former people, and there was no longer light or song in Caras Galadhon.

杨志虽然钦佩晁盖的性情和为人,但他一向以朝廷栋梁自居,怎能与江湖绿林为伍?Although Yang Zhi admires Chao Gai's disposition and humanness, but he all along with pose as of imperial court pillar, how as can green as all corners of the country forest associate with?