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这种情况下,我们又该如何设防呢And given that, what should we defend?

在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him, own are from undefended.

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在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him , he comes from undefended.

在他面前自己从不设防。In front of him themselves from undefended.

在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him , oneself are from undefended.

你是防守者,那么你应该在哪设防呢You're the defender. What are you going to do?

该海岸未设防,易受攻击。The coast was undefended and lay open to attack.

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我们两国有世界上最长的而且是不设防的边境。We share the longest unguarded border in the world.

他会选择平坦之途,我们应该在此设防He's going to choose easy, so we should defend easy.

没有防御工事,你的农场都是不设防的These were not defended. Your farmland was not defended.

建筑和工程设施的设防工程。Construction of earthquake-proof buildings and facilities.

人人把好安全关,处处设防隐患少。Everyone good security clearance, everywhere security risks.

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阿托里亚是一颗热爱和平的外环不设防行星。Artorias was a peace-loving Outer Rim planet with no defenses.

据说她是一个改革者,而且坦诚得毫不设防。She has the reputation of a reformer and is disarmingly frank.

看看那些坦诚、可爱、不设防的人们的脸。Look in the face of someone who is open, loving and unprotecting.

炸弹、葡萄弹和炮弹一起向这座不设防的城市倾泻。Bombs, grapeshot and cannonballs rained upon the defenseless town.

后来,迈克尔被换到了位于萨福克郡的海坡因特不设防监狱。Michael was later transferred to Highpoint open prison in Suffolk.

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在这样的人面前,我是不设防的完全真实的自我。In the face of such a person, I was completely undefended real self.

也许他们在刚做完爱之后就轻声打鼾,或者呈现出一副圆张着嘴的不设防模样。Maybe they snore right after sex. Or they make a disarming "o" face.

由控制中心对箱体进行统一设防和撤防。A control center is used to arm and disarm uniformly on the box body.