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是交响乐Well, it's a symphony.

对的,第九交响乐Okay. So Ninth Symphony.

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第九交响乐,是一八二三年到一八二四年完成的Ninth Symphony is 1823-1824.

交响乐以弱音结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

这部交响乐以弱音乐章结束。The symphony ends in a pianissimo.

写小说、谱交响乐曲、编写法律?Write books or symphonies or laws?

交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。Usually symphony is absolute music.

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写出一首伟大的诗,谱出一曲伟大的交响乐。One write a great poem, a great symphony.

交响乐一般有四个乐章Symphonies generally have four movements.

瓦格纳是早期的交响乐支持者。Wagner was an early proponent of the art.

其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。Its peaks are the symphony and the oratorio.

真正的交响乐才悄悄飘过我灵魂的意境。Silent, athwart my soul, moves the symphony true.

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交响乐乐师未必就能视奏。Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read.

交响乐队的指挥走上了指挥台。The orchestra conductor stepped up to the podium.

每个音乐家都是交响乐中活跃的一个分子。Each musician is an active member of the symphony.

我知道更高级的,比如交响乐,I know that the more advanced, like the symphonic,

其他的格式还包括交响乐,协奏曲和隆多。Others included the symphony, concerto, and rondo.

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他举起指挥棒,交响乐开始演奏了。He raises his baton and the symphony begins to play.

这支小交响乐队与一群六弦提琴师同台献艺。The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.

由深圳女子学院的歌咏队伴唱,深圳交响乐队伴奏。Together with the choir and symphony orchestra of Shenzhen.