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否则,它将导致我们跌落神坛。Otherwise, this will bring us down from the pedestal.

理智被献祭于经济增长的神坛之上,对经济增长不惜一切代价。Reason was sacrificed on the temple of economic growth, at all costs.

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我们在里面看到一个竹床和竹子的神坛,但是没有人。Inside, we saw a small bamboo cot and bamboo altar, but no one was there.

在弥撒快结束时,教皇本笃走下神坛分发圣餐。Near the end of the Mass Benedict walked down from the altar to distribute Holy Communion.

第五章,奥巴马做什么,把新政从神坛上拉下来,我们现在说说奥巴马政府。Segment Five What Obama is Up To Having demolished the new deal, we now turn to president Obama.

他创作的人像浮雕让我们想起了中世纪欧洲大型神坛的框架或底座上装饰的雕刻。The reliefs with figures are reminiscent of medieval European predella , which ran along the frame.

将学习行为拉下神坛,是我们正在跨越的最激动人心的知识前沿之一。The dethronement of learning is one of the most exciting intellectual frontiers we are now crossing.

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最近的这一次,金融创新被推上了神坛,通过金融工程的设计,它可以减少风险。More recently, financial innovations were peddled on a tale of decreased risk through financial engineering.

他进行了一次紧急手术,割掉了一个肿瘤,以及时出院来陪伴女儿走向神坛。He had an emergency operation to remove a tumour and was allowed out in time to walk his daughter down the aisle.

外星人通常被描绘成拥有强大力量的存在,他们走下神坛来告诫我们那些迫在眉睫的自毁行为。Aliens are often portrayed as powerful beings coming down from on high to warn us of our impending self-destruction.

这样看来,你刚才所说的话决不会叫我灰心,我希望不久就能领你到神坛跟前去呢。I am therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long.

不知什么时候,有些家伙开始相信把女人放上神坛才能吸引他们的注意。Somewhere along the way, fellas began to believe that putting women on pedestals was the only way to get their attention.

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她从高高的神坛跌落,变成了一个乖乖听我讲题的小女孩。Having fallen from the high and holy position, she turned into an obedient small girl listening to my explaining questions.

如果绿屋里的主人公代表伟大导演的过去,那么,现在也许就该为杜鲁福设一座神坛。If the figures in the green room stand for the great directors of the past, perhaps there is a shrine there now to Truffaut.

这个城市里到处都是传统木造的建筑物、寺庙、神坛及城堡,有些已有一千多年的历史。The city is filled with traditional wooden buildings, temples, shrines, and castles, some of which are over 1,000 years old.

广场大大小小的艺术喷泉共计有四百个喷嘴,东北角还有两个供奉印度教的神坛。Four hundred dancing fountain heads are incorporated into the plaza, and in the area's north-eastern corner are two Hindu shrines.

我绝不会以任何语音或行动,向不容忍异见的神坛低头,也不会发出调查令去审查他人的宗教观念。I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others.

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后来,“人工染色”的真相被揭穿,“蓝色妖姬”开始走下神坛扫去妖气。Later, "Artificial coloring " the truth by debunk, "Blue bewitching female singer " begin to step down spirit of evil of altar sweep off.

让我们从随机漫步的神坛上下来,某种意义上说,甚至是有些荒谬的,让我们来讲讲绘图的实际句法。So we've gone from the sublime, of what random walks are good for, to in some sense the ridiculous, the actual syntax for plotting things.

因此,在我把时间让给每一个性急的,向我索要时间的人,我们的时间就虚度了,最后你的神坛上就没有一点祭品.And thus it is that time goes by while I give it to every querulous man who claims it, and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last.