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你父母的娶亲纪念日是在哪天?When is your parents wedding anniversary?

吉姆其实并不急于娶亲成家,生儿育女。Jim wasn't fundamentally mad about a home and kids.

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你们看那是什么啊,好象是娶亲的队伍啊。You see that is what, the good elephant is the troops for marrying.

多模和丝兰戴上了最初买的戒指,并商定娶亲。Multimode and silk aram put on the first bought ring, and was agreed.

弈俊来找美贞,说想要跟恩在娶亲。Implement to find beauty, handsome brahmachari said want heel boon in wedding.

天国好比一个王,为他儿子摆设娶亲的筵席。The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.

以前拜年、娶亲、建房、扫墓均要用糍粑。Before New Year, get married, housing construction, grave-sweepers have to use cake.

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天国好比一个王,为他儿子摆设娶亲的筵席。The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son

他甚至想起马上就去娶亲,这样必定能够断了虎妞的念头。At one point he nearly decided to get married right away, so as to put an end to Tigress'.

程咬金深知花大脚的厉害,当场不敢再多说跟娶亲有关的事情。Cheng bite that gold flower feet badly, spot dare not to say more about things with wedding.

纪叔纪叔,我刚才说看见娶亲的队伍,他们俩硬是不相信我啊。Uncle Ji's uncle Ji, the troops that I just say to see marry, two of them simply don't believe me.

人对国王娶亲宴席邀请有那些不同的反应与后果?What different responses and consequences are there to the king's invitation to a wedding banquet?

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关于古奥运会起源流传最广的是佩洛普斯娶亲的故事。Origins what about the ancient Olympic Games spreads is broadest is Pellow Pusi gets married the story.

往前看,大淀中娶亲的船队伴随着欢快的迎宾曲划过来。Please look straight ahead, the wedding boat fleet in the Lake is coming with songs of welcome for guests.

关于古奥运会起源流传最广的是佩洛普斯娶亲的故事。On the origin of ancient Olympics among the most popular of which is the story of Pelops was getting married.

不会吧,那里有,这个时候怎么可能有娶亲的队伍,这个月份结婚的人很少的。Can't, have there, this time how may there is the troops to marry, get married this month of the person is seldom of.

“牛犊娶亲”是我国独有的一个故事类型,在我国汉、满、回等民族中广有流传。"The Calf Got Married " is a particular Chinese story type, lt is going round with in Han, Man and Hui nationalities.

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亚多模通知丹丝兰只需他们赶紧娶亲然后生一个孩子,爸爸妈妈就会看在孩子的份上自动宽和。The mold DanSi notice only they gave to Syria and then one child, mom and dad will see in the child's sake automatic width.

娶亲留念日前夜,向南向西光借了3万块钱,去给西凤买戒指,正好碰到郁禾。Wedding photos yesterday night, borrowed 30000 yuan, to the south west light to west chicken to buy ring, just touching YuHe.

华仔给凌桀打德律风说他仿佛要娶亲了,莎莎据说后很解体,于是又开端去任务了。Andy hull's bullying to play the law said he as if to marry your wind, salsa, so after it is said that a collapse and beginning to task.