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真正的友谊恒久不变。True friendship lasts forever.

哦,不!爱是恒久不变的标记。Oh, no! It is an ever-fixed mark.

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我使我的汽车速度恒久不变。I keep the speed of my car constant.

而人生意义却是恒久的。Meaning, on the other hand, is enduring.

但无一拥有你的恒久丹心。But you like none, none you, for constant heart.

恒久的灵感与个性穿越时光隧道。Inspiration and character that seem beyond time.

战争打打停停,只有我们的战士是恒久不变的!Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal !

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钻石是爱的象征,钻石恒久远。Diamond is the symbol of love. Diamond is forever.

你如照直向北走,你的方向是恒久不变的。If you walk due north, your direction is constant.

清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us.

比那恒久地被海浪摸挲的贝壳还要细腻。Smoother than shells continually polished by the sea.

从我把心呈献给主开始,我事主越恒久。Since I gave my heart to Jesus, The longer I serve Him.

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爱是恩慈,爱是恒久忍耐,爱是永无止息。Love is kindness, love is patient, love is never have rest.

世上惟有爱是恒久不变、永不止息的。Love, only love, in the welkin, is abiding and withstanding.

恒久生病消耗了这老人的膂力。The long illness hadvertising wasted the old manas strength.

我的新爱姗姗而来,带来古老而恒久的财富。My new love comes bringing to me the eternal wealth of the old.

恒久朝拜圣体是「敬礼中的敬礼」。Perpetual Eucharistic adoration is the "devotion of devotions."

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浪漫是一段经典如歌的岁月,恒久弥留!Romance is a period of classic cantabile years, enduring dying!

恒久不变和无情的变化都无益于创造。Neither constancy nor relentless change will support a creation.

也许故事的关键就在于恒久不变的创新驱动力。Perhaps the main story is the constancy of the innovation drive.