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在孵化网箱内进行鱼苗培育。Culture the fry in the hatchery cages.

暂停捕捞,散放了鼓眼鱼的鱼苗。Fishing was suspended. Walleye fry were stocked.

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现在也有一些鱼苗孵化场可以人工养殖鱼类。Now are also hatcheries in which fish are farmed.

当鱼苗长大后,研究小组将这些鱼放入一个迷宫之中。When the fish grew up, the team put them in a maze.

股票池观赏顶级捕食喂养鱼苗。Stock ornamental pools with top feeding predacious minnows.

第二年冬天的一个晚上,一场暴风雨后,池中的鱼苗全死了,损失了不少。The second year of a winter night, a storm, the pool of fish all died, lost a lot.

过几天就要放鱼苗了,每年纯收入可达四,五十万元。Is necessary to put fish in a few days, and annual net income of up to 4, 500,000 yuan.

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只有很小的鱼苗才能在这个世界上最小的鱼缸内自由游动。Only baby fish can fit inside the tiny glass cube that is the world’s smallest aquarium.

池塘在森林旁边的一处低洼的牧场上,几年前爷爷已经在里面放了鱼苗。The pond was in a low pasture near the woods. Years before, Grandpa had stocked it with fish.

左右两笔点缀,似波纹又似戏水的鱼苗,生动了整个画面,也进一步点明了产品特性。The right and left strokes is like a young fry or water wave, which shows character of product.

一位水生动物专家称,这些变异鱼苗仅存活48小时就全体死亡。An aquatic animal specialist said the mutant larvae survived just 48 hours and were dying en masse.

岸上孵化的鱼苗被送进这座设施,并在清洁的深水中生长成熟。At this facility, fingerlings from onshore hatcheries are raised to adulthood in clean, deep ocean waters.

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在珊瑚环绕的群岛上,泻湖“充当了棒球手套,捕捉着珊瑚和鱼苗。”On islands surrounded by coral reefs, the lagoons "act like baseball mitts catching coral and fish larvae.

注意不要过量,因为吃剩的食物会臭的水,可以很快证明致命的鱼苗。Take care not to overfeed, as the uneaten food will foul the water and can quickly prove lethal to the fry.

提供水产品、渔用饲料、鱼种、鱼苗和水质的质量检测服务。We supply the check service on the quality of aquatic product, fishery feed, fingerling, fry and water quality.

本研究用强氯精、溴氯海因两种常用水产药物,对草鱼鱼苗的进行急性毒性实验。Strong Chlorine and Bromine Chlorine Hydantoin were used as acute toxicity for fries of Ctenopharyngodon idellus.

而在一边的小鱼苗,则悠闲自在地摆动着小尾巴,帮小蝌蚪一起找妈妈。Swinging carefreely their small tails, the small fries were helping the small tadpoles to look for their mothers.

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从鱼苗到性成熟野鲤的饲养成活率明显高于荷包红鲤和德国镜鲤。The survival date from fry to adult, the wild carp are obviously higher than red ball common carp and Germany carp.

产卵地不时被覆盖上油污,令人担忧的是整年的鱼苗都死光光。The spawning grounds have been covered in oil at times, and there are fears that an entire year's brood may be missing.

本文研究了温度、盐度和饵料对米来西鱼苗成活率和生长的影响。This paper reports the effects of temperature, salinity and feed on survival rate and growth of young fish of Tilapia sp.