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你有卖青葱吗?Do you sell scallions?

秋天使山上青葱的草木发黄。Autumn disrobes the hill of verdure.

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春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。The country is very green in spring.

它是用牛奶,青葱和奶酪一同混合而成的。It’s made from milk, scallions and cheese.

在潘,获得脱色削减青葱在热油。In a pan, to gain decolour cut shallots in hot oil.

青葱常被用来佐制海鲜食品。Scallion is usually used for seasoning seafood dishes.

青葱洗净切成松仁大小。Clean the scallions and cut into pine-nut-sized pieces.

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随喜好在表面撒上青葱和番茄Cover with green onion and additional tomatoes, if desired.

绿草如茵,怎盖得住你的青葱岁月。Can the carpet of green grass, how cover your shallot years.

薄饼和青葱与烤鸭一起吃,正合口味。The pancakes and the shallots taste well with the roast duck.

红辣椒,青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系中的必备品。Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.

把青葱细末放入锅里,加入香草醋。Put the finely chopped shallots in a pan. Add the balsamic vinegar.

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望无际的非洲平原,阳光灿烂,树木青葱,动物们幸福地生活着。The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals live happily.

放入青葱,同时搅拌3-5分钟直至变软。Add the shallots. Cook, stirring, until tender, three to five minutes.

他们积极锻炼,永保青春,像松树一样青葱茁壮。They are active in exercises to remain for ever green like the pine trees.

沥掉锅里多余的油脂,放回锅头,加热,加些青葱。Drain excess fat from pan, then return the pan to heat and add the shallots.

青葱切段,腌好的三文鱼切成小片状。Cut the spring onion into a few pieces. Cut the marinated salmon into slices.

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鲜或冷藏的洋葱、青葱、大蒜、韭葱及其他葱属蔬菜。Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled.

最近的一天,过路人争论应该给它们喂红萝卜,青葱还是米饭。On a recent day, passers-by debated whether to feed them carrots, scallions or rice.

因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shandong dishes tastes pungent usually.