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我的普拉提操客户。My Pilates clients.

客户也喜欢它!Customers like that!

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我们的客户是谁?Who is our customer?

客户们,先别着急。Don’t worry, clients.

谁是你的客户?Who is your customer?

客户是挑剔的。Customers are finicky.

创建客户机密钥库。Create client keystore.

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积累一生的朋友客户,这才是你的优点。This is your advantage.

那你的客户呢?What about your client?

我给客户倒茶。I give a client some tea.

处理客户投诉及抱怨。Hle customer's complaints.

如何启动一个重量的客户吗?How to launch a Wt Client?

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但是我们的客户会。But most of our clients do.

如果客户机崩溃怎么办?What if the client crashes?

让我们为客户-1模式。Let it be -1 for client mode.

许多客户都被骗了。Many clients had been let in.

创建客户档案。Create customer profile files.

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对部署的客户机进行个性化定制Personalizing deployed clients

我们寻求一种客户掌控。We seek to be customer-driven.

广告客户可以创建广告。An advertiser can create an ad.