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这就是为什么他的名字现在家喻户晓。that's why people know him.

第二次世界大战使“雷达”一词家喻户晓。WWⅡ familiarized the term “radar”.

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隆恩·甘博已经成为家喻户晓的名人。Ron Gambol has become a household name.

这与家喻户晓的勾践卧薪尝胆的典故如出一辙。This is the story of hardships known Gou same.

常香玉,这是一个在中国家喻户晓的名字。Chang Xiangyu is a household name across China.

他们的名称在网上是家喻户晓的。They are one of the only household names online.

梅兰芳这个名字在中国家喻户晓。The name of Mei Lanfang is popular among Chinese.

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如果您打破他们,我将会把你成为一个家喻户晓。If you break them, I am going to turn you into a ghoul.

赵本山在中国家喻户晓。Sketch actor Zhao Benshan is a household name in China.

只要提到家喻户晓的人类四脚朋友,猫咪独占鳌头!When it comes to famous four-legged friends, cats rule!

现在,坎德勒想做的就是使可口可乐家喻户晓。Now Candler set about making Coca Cola a household word.

那些家喻户晓的歌手每一次都能演奏的很好。The ones playing to packed houses do it well every time.

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这些观点在美国家喻户晓These views are particularly common in the United States.

邓肯作为一个专业级鞋类的领导者已经是家喻户晓。Dansko has long been known as a leader in professional shoes.

鞋子,使得轻型商用车一个家喻户晓的名字,是典型的单上。The shoe that made Vans a household name is the classic slip-on.

现在,汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生当然是个家喻户晓的名字。Nowadays, of course, Hans Christian Andersen is a household name.

到1930年底,爵士艾灵顿的管弦乐队已经家喻户晓。By 1930, Duke Ellington's Orchestra was becoming a household name.

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不过,在本特利的家乡,佛蒙特州的杰里科,他却是一个家喻户晓的名人。But in Bentley's hometown, Jericho, Vermont, he's a household name.

它是柯尔克孜族家喻户晓的长篇史诗。It is a long epic on everyone's lips among the ethnic Kirghiz people.

彝族火把节影响广泛,历久不衰,家喻户晓。Torch Festival of the Yi people has a long history and wide influence.