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他死在战车上,血流涌出他的车外,他是这个样子回来的。He died on the chariot.

血从巨大的伤口涌出,没有人能止住。Blood oozes from a wound.

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眼泪从他的眼睛里涌出。Tears welled up in his eyes.

海上涌出一轮红日。A red sun rose above the sea.

东方涌出一轮红日。The red sun rose in the east.

我感到眼泪涌出我的双眼。I felt tears well up in my eyes.

它从地面涌出时的温度是34度。It comes out of the ground at 34C.

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喷泉涌出清凉的泉水。The fountain wells its cold water.

小学生们涌出校门。The pupils tore out of the school.

石油不断地从井中涌出。Oil is springing out from the well.

人群推挤着涌出电影院。The crowd jostled out of the cinema.

浓烟从燃烧的大楼里滚滚涌出。Smoke surged from the burning building.

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血从裂开的伤口涌出。Blood gushed forth from the gaping wound.

洪水从堤上的一个裂缝处涌出。The floods found avent through the dykes.

水自管子破裂处涌出。Water spouted from the break in the pipe.

模型解释这一个不集合涌出。The model explains this disaggregation well.

充满死亡的黑水正在向外涌出来!And now the dark water of death gushes forth!

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一群小学生涌出来跑到大街上。A throng of pupils issued out into the street.

一针又一针,一针刺入,一股鲜血涌出。Over and over, each prick drawing fresh blood.

泪水又一下子夺眶涌出。The tears renewed themselves in a great burst.