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耶利米就照样行了。And Jeremiah did so.

注意看着我然后照样做。Watch me and do likewise.

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照样去做,先生们。Go and do likewise, gents.

注意看着他然后照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

留心看着他并且照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

没有它你照样生存。You can survive without it.

黑鸡照样下白蛋。A black hen lays a white egg.

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黑鸡照样下白蛋。A black hen lays a white eggs.

要不要照样做一个出来?Do you want to have one made as well?

但是他们的债务照样增长。But their debts increased all the same.

由此可以设想你照样可教育的。That assumes that you're still educable.

没有他,我们照样可以做。We can do it without him, as we have before.

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不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。The world exists, whether you like it or not.

人欺哄人,你们也要照样欺哄他吗?Could you deceive him as you might deceive men?

假使这封信撕碎了你们的心,你们就照样向它报复,把它撕碎。If this letter lacerates you, do the same by it.

詹姆斯没有向别人乞求周济照样过活。James lived on without begging alms from others.

即便装入金杯,毒药照样毒药。Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.

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教育需要化费钱,无知照样化费钱。Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.

Disney生活在希望中的人没有音乐照样跳舞。He that lives in hope dance without music. ---Walt.

姐妹之间的爱,照样可以惊天地泣鬼神。The love between the sisters, still can be amazing.