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庭院四周围以回廊。The courtyard is cloistered.

这座建筑物四周围着一圈士兵。The men were standing in a ring.

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房子四周围绕着一圈篱笆障。A wattled hedge surrounds the house.

泰姬的四周围绕着四个小穹顶。Four domed chambers surround the Taj.

饲养场四周围着栅栏。The stock farm was circled with a fence.

花园四周围了一道白色栅栏。There was a white fence about the garden.

这座房子四周围着一道很高的砖墙。The house is enclosed with a high brick wall.

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那院子的四周围着竹篱。The yard was fenced about with bamboo sticks.

汤米看见城市回收站的四周围着栅栏。Tommy saw the fence that surrounded the city dump.

在我们四周围有很多坏鬼神学。There are plenty of bad theologies around us today.

一群人在五角大楼四周围成一圈。A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon.

你用篱笆把四周围起来,把牛和人们都隔在外面。You fence the perimeter to keep out cows and people.

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突然四周围的环境改变了。Suddenly it seemed that the surroundings had changed.

一张红地毯从这边的墙铺到那边的墙,房间里四周围着枕头。A red carpet runs wall to wall and matching pillows ring the room.

四周围的墙上涂满了最无聊的字和画。All over the walls was the ignorantest kind of words and pictures.

你用篱笆把四周围起来,把牛和人们都隔在外面。You fence the perimeter to keep out cows and people. Then you walk away.

我们住宅四周围表面化的栅子是我们相应防卫的信心。Our evident fence around the residence is our confidence of correspondent defence.

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四周围充满嘈杂的人声,录音机不断的转动著。It is full of noises of the crowds of people around, the tape recorder keeps on turning.

他满以为只有她一个人,但是突然间四周围满了印第安人。He thought he was alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were Indians all around him.

问问四周围对于停止打嗝的意见,你会得到一个一个大杂烩似地奇异的方法。Ask around for ideas on how to stop hiccups and you'll get an olla podrida of bizarre remedies.