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翻译为你在哪所学校学习?青云英…In which school do you study?

青云有限公司保证产品的质量。Blue Sky builds Quality products only.

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好风凭借力,送我上青云。Qingyun good wind with force, sent me.

又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。And suspected YaoTai mirror, fly in the wan side.

何馨藏勇沐天红,方志青云猛虎龙。He Xin Yong Mu day red, chronicles, tiger dragon.

优质服务,用户满意是青云人的追求!Quality services, customer satisfaction is the pursuit of Albatron!

他的骄傲虽高顶苍天,他的头虽插入青云。Though his pride reach to the heavens and his head touch the clouds.

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青云在欢畅生日当天飞到菲律宾与他庆祝。Qingyun flies to the Philippines to celebrate Huanchang's birthday with him.

然而,鬼王为复活兽神并颠覆青云,设下连环阴谋。However, as the beast God and ghost resurrection subversion Qingyun, a serial.

正初积极追求青云。青云不知如何在欢畅和正初之间做出选择。Meanwhile, Qingyun does not know who she should choose – Huanchang or Zhengchu.

连接皇珠路西行及青云路北行的支路。The slip road connecting Wong Chu Road westbound and Tsing Wun Road northbound.

青云觉得自己间接害得正初一无所有,于是深感内疚。Qingyun feels guilty for indirectly causing Zhengchu to land in his current state.

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正初重遇青云,把当天出千救她一事告诉青云。He meets Qingyun and tells her about how he cheated in order to save her previously.

早冠是以鸭梨为母本,青云为父本杂交育成的自花结实早熟梨新品种。The self-fruitful pear cultivar Zaoguan was derived from the cross between Yali and Qingyun.

陈文杰装成双腿残废,爬着要饭供陈青云到京城。Chen Wenjie holds geminate leg maimed person, climbing beggar arrive for Chen Qingyun capital.

忽地,语香感受到一股强大的气息,那是不同于青云府弟子的。Suddenly, the language joss-stick feels strong breathing, that differs from green cloud mansion pupil.

一切的一切都是人的主观意志的载体,所谓好风凭借力,送我上青云。All is man's subjective will the carrier, the so-called good wind with force, send soared through the I.

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以新泰市青云城区基准地价测算为例,从实际出发初步探讨了小城镇驻地基准地价测算方法的选择。A case study was made of the urban area of Xintai city and some assessment methods were compared and discussed.

摩根出身于1635年的威尔士,但是还很年青的时辰,他的青云之志就将他带到了牙购加,觅觅名气和财富。Morgan was born in Wales in 1635, but his ambition took him to Jamaica as a young man to seek fame and fortune.

青云湖休闲度假乐园看起来不大,其实却有800多公顷,仅水面就有600公顷。Albatron Lake leisure park looks small, but they do have more than 800 hectares, there is only water 600 hectares.