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我在郊区长大,非常保守。I grew up in the suburbs.

布莱克希斯是伦敦的一个郊区。Blackheath is suburb of London.

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他想在郊区安个家。He wanted to home in the suburb.

闵行是上海的一个郊区。Minhang is a suburb of Shanghai.

温布尔顿是伦敦的一个郊区。Wimbledon is a suburb of London.

然后是北京外环的郊区!And in the outer Beijing Suburbs!

布莱克西斯是伦敦的一个郊区。Blackheath is a suburb of London.

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其它高级郊区住宅区也在我们的名单中。Other swank suburbs made our list.

实际上郊区贫困化问题正在日趋严重。It's increasingly a suburban issue.

你住在台中市的郊区吗?Do you live in a suburb of Taichung?

能否无机场巴士可到郊区?。Is there an airport bus to the city?

凯莉梦珀家在阿拉巴马州郊区。Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama.

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洛拉是在布里斯特尔郊区长大的。Laura grew up in the suburbs of Bristol.

我的意思是我们生活在郊区。I mean, honestly, we live in the boonies.

LJ一个人坐在郊区小屋的外面。LJ sits alone outside the secluded cabin.

中国,内蒙古,乌海市郊区。China, Inner Mongolia, Wuhai City suburbs.

人人都需要在郊区有一个温馨的家。Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia.

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在去郊区的路上,我们顺便去了书店。He just asked me to come round for supper.

在该市的郊区,有一个非常大的湖,叫“晋阳湖”。In the outskirt, there is a very big lake.

火车隆隆地驶出郊区。The train whooped out through the suburbs.