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牠的头骨有数根尖状物与瘤状突起。Its skull had several spine- and wart-like protrusions.

小心外子委曲被有数的包裹吓了一下。The careful ma fantastic is scarcely scared by the scarce parcel.

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在法语等语种,形容词和冠词也有数的变化。In languages like French, adjectives and articles have number too.

对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。But we in China remain clear-headed and are firm in our confidence.

一些数字化视频光盘驱动器有数传体积在数传输出方面的控制。Some DVD players have a digital volume control on the digital output.

每个月,有数以百万的新离职者,又有数以百万的新雇工。Each month, there are millions of new quits and millions of new hires.

事实上每年都有数千家公司倒闭。It's a fact that thousands of companies go out of business every year.

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吴刚是个怠懈而又不学有数的学徒。Wu Kang was a shiftless fellow who changed apprenticeships all the time.

英语动物名词中一部分没有数的标记形式,传统上把他们归为单复数同形的名词。In English, some animal names don t have their marked forms of the number.

缅茵州的伐木人坐在一段有数百年年轮的木桩上。The Maine woodsman sits on a stump whose rings number centuries of growth.

关于人去讲是个有数的机遇,由于没有续梦思可以登下巨蛋的舞台。For me, it was a good opportunity as I have been dreaming of stage at Dome.

有数千年之久,人们不曾怀疑过“地球是平的”这一观念。For thousands of years, nobody questioned the notion that the earth was flat.

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有数名记者说,素未谋面的警方官员竟然知道他们的名字。Several journalists said police officers they had never met knew their names.

有数以百万的工作需要环球旅行。There are millions of jobs available in the global economy that demand travel.

一种情况是可以发送一个混有数字的字符串来查看会发生什么情况。One is that you could send a number mixed in with the strings to see what happens.

在这一天,商店库存有数以万件的婚纱,并且以很低的价钱出售。The store stocks thousands of gowns for that day, and marks them down drastically.

然而即便是仁义礼智圣五行,或许也仍然保留有数术的痕迹。However, we can still look through that even this theory may have trails of Shushu.

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围棋的规则很简单,但是有数不尽的策略。The rules of Weiqi are very simple but there are countless variations of strategies.

这件雕工精细的玉屏风里,有数条代表祥瑞的龙。This sculpted jade screen features several dragons, a symbol of good fortune in China.

伐楼拿的保险箱内有数之不尽的珍宝,但他还没有注意到它们。There are countless gems in the coffers of Varuna . But he himself isn't aware of them.