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今天美元兑人民币的牌价是六点一六。The rate today is 6. 16 yuan to the dollar.

明天的兑换牌价在那边的牌子上。The rates of exchange are on the board there.

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五千元。请问今天的兑换牌价是多少?Five thousand yuan. And what's the exchange rate today?

根据现在的牌价,每100美元折合人民币683元。According to the present rate, 100 US dollars is equal to 683 yuan.

整天的交易都载于证券交易所每日正式牌价表上。The bargains made during the day are recorded in the Daily Official List.

可以给我一些贵公司这段的商品牌价目录表或一些涉及申明资料吗?。Could Ihave your latest catalogues or something that tells me about your company?

银行可按当日牌价为您办理人民币与外币的兑换。The banks can handle foreign exchange purchase for official foreign visit groups.

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可以给我一些贵公司这段的商品牌价目次表或一些涉及申明资料吗?。Could Ihave your latest catalogues or somethellong that tells me about your company?

目前市场牌价和现货价格的差距为每吨150美元。At present the difference of market list price and spot price is every tons of 150 dollars.

银行可按当日牌价为您办理人民币与外币的兑换。Banks can handle the exchange between RMB and foreign currencies at current quotations on the day.

美金兑换人民币的汇率参照现行牌价,现金支付可使用美元或人民币。Conversion from RMB to USD is based on the current exchange rate. Cash Payments can be accepted either in RMB or USD.

按现行的外汇牌价,我们转换为人民币并已贷记你方帐户。We have credited your account in terms of RMB after conversion in accordance with current foreign exchange quotation.

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中央信托局出售大豆定价每磅十美分,而它向农民收购的牌价却是每磅三美分。Though the Central Trust was getting ten cents a pound for its product, the farmer who sold to the trust was getting only three cents a pound.

汇率又称汇价、外汇牌价或外汇行市,即外汇的买卖价格。The exchange rate also known as the exchange rate, exchange rates or foreign exchange going-rate, that is, the price of foreign exchange trading.

霍华德表示,其增长品牌如骆驼和波迈,以及多尔、GPC、库尔、薄雾、沙龙和云丝顿,牌价增加6美分。Howard said that the list price is increasing 6 cents a pack for its growth brands, Camel and Pall Mall, and also for Doral, GPC, Kool, Misty, Salem and Winston.

CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange, with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference.

乙方投资工业项目建设用地的土地综合价金按通过招拍挂程序后乙方最终摘牌价支付。Party b investment industrial projects of comprehensive construction land land price gold by recruit take according to hang program eventually pick rate pay party b.

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他正在洗一个大商店的橱窗,一个小伙子在他右边站住,靠近橱窗,开始细细查看牌价。He was washing the display window of a large shoe shop when a young man came to a halt right next to him, leaned up close to the window, and began scrutinizing the prices.

甲乙双方约定开票税率结算牌价基础为外汇到帐的实际外汇买入牌价。As per negotiation between Party A and Party B, the quoteprice of invoice rate when balance based the quoteprice of real foreign exchange bought in when foreign exchange arrives.

凡业务中涉及同种货币钞、汇转换时,均按实际交易时中国银行即时外汇牌价折算收取钞、汇转换买卖差价。Respecting all the conversions between the banknote and spot exchange in the same foreign currency, spread charge shall be made at the current BOC Exchange Rates on that same time.