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是一个小玻璃容器被砸破。A glass capsule was broken.

其他废油容器。Other waste oil containers.

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小塑料瓶是最好的容器。A small plastic vial is best.

麻丝墩就是贮灰的容器。Masidun is the ash container.

这是个饮料容器。This is a beverage container.

什么是轻量级容器?What are lightweight containers?

这个容器呈管形。The container is tubular in shape.

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Tonner容器有两个阀门。Tonner containers have two valves.

使用容器管理的事务。Use container-managed transactions.

葵花籽油,用来轻抹容器sunflower oil, for brushing the tin

打印容器数据的大小。Prints the number of container data.

然后BPA便过滤到容器里面。BPA then leaches into the containers.

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理察•赫胥是容器的制作者。Richard Hirsch is a maker of vessels.

大容器里的液体五分钟就流干了.The tank empties out in five minutes.

第三容器也因此被称为“内核捕手”。This is the so-called “core catcher”.

创建新的可修改状态容器。Creates a new modifiable state holder.

如果我的大脑浸淫在巨大的容器中,我也是肯定存在的。If I'm a brain in a vat, I must exist.

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她从容器中舀冰淇淋。She dipped ice cream from a container.

容器必须保持紧紧关严。Containers MUST BE kept tightly closed.

包装容器不收费。No charge will be allowed for packages.