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第3章并没有得到改观。Chapter three doesn't get any better.

在2010年这会有所改观吗?Definitely. Acceptable in the year 2010?

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这座城市的面貌已大大改观了。The face of this city has greatly changed.

房间粉刷一遍大为改观。A fresh coat of paint transformed the room.

我对你的推崇可是会让你的简历大为改观呢!My praise of you could really make a difference.

微小的领导力也能带来很大的改观A little bit of leadership can help tremendously.

新家具让旧房改观。The new furniture has transfigured the old house.

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1992年在阿尔贝维尔,事情完全改观了。Things definitely changed in 1992 in Albertville.

通过宣传教育,现在这方面已经有所改观。This has changed, through education and advocacy.

这种状况一直延续到明代,才见改观。And the situation was changed till the Ming dynasty.

这次大捷使这战争改观。This great victory changed the complexion of the war.

唯一的答案是——因为她们是女人。这不会一夜之间改观。There can be only one answer--- because they are women.

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我想几杯酒过后,情况会有所改观的。I think after drinking some wine, things will change a bit.

陈三川对父亲的态度渐渐有了改观。The manner to father had Chen Sanchuan to change gradually.

同时由于他们使用现代技术,其他印度人对他们的印象也大为改观。And other Indians may think better of them for using modern technology.

南非人民也应能想到,时有时无的电力供应问题将不会有改观。Meanwhile South Africans can expect their lights to flicker on and off.

Bove称,"希望寄托在3月事态发生戏剧性改观.""The hope is in March things will turn around dramatically," Bove said.

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但显然加速的国际援助将使得一切大为改观。But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big difference.

狐精小说的发展经历了一个漫长的过程,至唐代其面貌已有明显改观。Novels of the Fox Fairy underwent a considerable change until Tang Dynasty.

美国宇航局深信从此以后,人们对水星的认识会大大改观。Nasa believes much of what we thought about Mercury will need to be revised.