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他们从门口向屋里张望。They look in at the door.

我发现外面有人在鬼祟张望。I found somebody prowling about.

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打开你的门,朝四处张望。Open your doors and look around.

他傻头傻脑地向屋里张望。He peeped into the room foolishly.

门口有双顽皮的眼睛在朝里张望。Impish eyes peered from the doorway.

杰姆好奇地向房里四下张望。Jim looked about the room curiously.

后窗张望,高站眺远。Looked far from rear, he stood high.

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小男孩心慌意乱地四下张望着。The small boy looked round in panic.

四处张望,寻找地铁口。Looking around, seeked for the metro.

触向你心神之纵深处张望。They look into the beauty of thy mind.

Eero突然停下来,左右张望。Eero stopped suddenly and looked around.

我四处张望,我在等候你的到来。I'm hanging around, i'm waiting for you.

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她焦虑不安地四处张望寻找她爸爸。She looks around worriedly for her father.

帆儿涨得满满,她向前张望The sails are filled wide, she gazes ahead

汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望。Tom glanced impatiently around the garage.

我跑到一个射击孔前向外张望。I ran to a hole in the wall and looked through.

我四周张望,没有看到晨星I look around and the Morning Star is not there.

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我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds.

现在轮到他莫名其妙地四处张望了。It was now his turn to look about in perplexity.

她在座位上扭转身子,向后张望。She twisted round in her seat, craning backward.