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前途不明朗?No bright future?

而这并不明朗That's far from obvious.

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初秋的天气格外明朗清新。It is bright and fresh in early autumn.

她则回他一个明朗点儿的微笑。She returned a somewhat brighter smile.

但是,到底还有多少可以做的事,目前尚不明朗。But it’s not clear how much can be done.

那是个明朗无雾的夜,霜气凛人。It was a fine dry night, frost in the air.

这两个市场的前景并不明朗。The outlook for both markets is uncertain.

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这段插曲的财政代价尚不明朗。The fiscal cost of this episode is unclear.

中国的消费支出前景不甚明朗。The picture for consumer spending is mixed.

炎天的夜晚,明朗的天空充满星星。Summer night, the sunny sky is full of stars.

再听见明朗的呼唤——这些迢遥的梦。The dreams from afar, and hear the bright call.

天色清澈明朗,阳光温暖。The sky overhead throbbed and pulsed with light.

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如果出现骚乱,中国政府的态度会是怎样就不明朗了。China’s role in the brouhaha, if any, is unclear.

雨后初晴的天空特别明朗。The sky was extraordinarily clear after the rain.

到目前为止,这场运动的下一步尚不明朗。As of now, next steps for the movement are unclear.

但是前景并不像股票涨幅所显示的那么明朗。But the outlook is hazier than those gains suggest.

但长联石油的前景并不十分明朗。However, The whole future of GUPC is still uncertain.

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丝草抱着他的时候,他的笑容也明朗还有可爱。His smile is also brilliant and cute when Jandi hugs him.

这起绑架案的具体情况仍不明朗。The circumstances of Bergdahl's abduction remain unclear.

萨博能否长治久安尚不明朗。Whether Saab will survive in the long term is less clear.